11 ~ Sad

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You wanted to scream out of pure joy when you stopped typing, you smiled widely and stretched your back while admiring your finished work displayed on your computer screen.  You finally finished your work for today and you were about to head out until you looked right across from you noticing a very tired face.

You looked at yoongi and felt a frown instantly replace the smile you had. Yoongi had bags under his eyes and his hair was sticking up in some places. You would normally laugh but knowing that his appearance was from his exhaustion and not from his lazy nature made you frown. He was clearly overworked and exhausted, like most people in the division you worked in. You knew you couldn't leave yoongi like that so you took in a deep breath and sat back down in your seat. 

"hey yoongi, need some help" you questioned and yoongi sighed while he looked up at you. Now that you could clearly see his face he looked even more exhausted. 

"no y/n, you should go home and get some rest" you instantly denied after seeing yoongis state "no way, let me help" you pulled out your laptop from your bag and began helping yoongi with his workload. 

"thanks I owe you one" yoongi smiled at you and you smiled back. You both worked together often, so you two knew what to do when working together. You both split the work evenly and you were both efficient. You honestly wanted to thank yoongi though, with not seeing jin for the past couple of days was worrying you more and more and at least the extra workload was taking your mind off of jins distant behavior. 

Luckily you guys finished in under an hour and you both sighed in relief. "finally done, seriously thank you y/n. How about we go for some dessert or something, my treat" yoongi had his gummy smile back finally knowing he was done his workload and you smiled brightly about the thought of sweets. 

"sure" you both got up and headed out of the office building. "I know this place that just opened up, we can go there"yoongi said while you two walked out of your work building. You continued walking until you were outside walking down the busy streets "sure yoongi, sounds good"

As you walked down the street you texted hoseok and jungkook to let them know you were going out, however, right after you texted them yoongi spoke "it's here" you looked up at the small dessert place. It had a cute pastel blue design outside and the small sign was painted with a dark blue color.

You sat down at an empty seat, it was empty but it wasn't surprising considering the time of night. Your large smile grew when you saw the large array of desserts on the menu, you decided to get some cake while yoongi got some ice cream. You both waited for your dessert in silence. It wasn't uncomfortable though, yoongi was the type of friend who you didn't talk much and you didn't mind, you two just enjoyed each others company. 

Hoseok, jungkook, jimin, and taehyung were the type of friends who loved to converse non stop. You appreciated both types of friends. 

You leaned on your hand and looked out the large window in the dessert place. Your mind wandered to jin, you wondered what was wrong with him lately. But then you also thought about the strange dream you had a couple days ago as well. It was the second dream you've had about the small house, the grassy field, the unknown male, and...you froze. 

While you looked at the city streets you noticed a small flower bed right outside of the cafe...with purple flowers. Just like the one in your dream. You continued to zone out until someone waved their hand right in front of you and spoke "y/n our dessert is here" you looked at yoongi and noticed your cake was placed right in front of you. 

"oh sorry yoongi, I was just zoning out" you spoke and yoongi instantly smirked "were you thinking of someone, perhaps someone you have a crush on" yoongis words suddenly caught you off guard and you mind instantly thought of jin. 

You felt your heart rate increase while you thought about jin. He was always kind to you, he was a great listener, and he always talked about how he loved spending time with you. Honestly, you loved spending time with him too, well except for the past couple of days he had been avoiding meeting up with you. 

The thought of jins behavior made you frown slightly. You missed talking to the person you grew to like. 

You felt your face heating up at your own thoughts while yoongis eyes widened  "no way, do you actually like someone. I was just joking but now you have to tell me" yoongi was clearly interested in the development of your own feelings while you were trying not to blush harder. 

Yoongi was clearly amused by your flustered state "w-what no, I don't like anyone" you watched as yoongi began laughing "seriously y/n your face is bright red, you clearly have someone in mind. Just tell me, I can keep a secret" yoongi was clearly excited while you were embarrassed.

"well he is tall" you described as vague as possible trying to avoid the topic but clearly yoongi was not ending the conversation there. "what else, come on y/n" you sighed after realizing that yoongi was definitely not going to let this go.

"he is really nice, funny, smart, outgoing.... oh and he has a really beautiful voice too. He is also has the cutest and most unique laugh. OH and he has this really cute smile which just makes my day ten times better. Whenever I talk to him when I'm having a bad day it just feels like he knows how to make me feel better" 

You realized you were ranting about jin and your face went bright red again. Yoongi was smiling brightly while he looked at you "well what's his name" you smiled brightly and spoke "he says it's seokjin but I like to just call him jin" you laughed slightly remembering when you first met jin. 

"well when do I get to meet him" you felt your heart drop all of the sudden. You frowned thinking about your situation, even if you wanted to introduce jin to yoongi for some reason jin was currently avoiding you. 

But another thought came to mind. 

Even if they did meet, you can never truly be together

You frowned slightly at your thoughts, but it was true. You two could never truly meet, you felt your heart constrict. You really shouldn't be having these types of feelings for someone you could never be with. So you forced a smile towards yoongi "um well you know it's honestly just a crush, nothing serious. I'm sure I will get over it"

You knew that wasn't true, but the more you had feelings for jin the more it would just be hurting yourself. You two could never be together, how could you. He was from the past, you could never truly meet. 

"well that's sad" yoongi pouted and your eyes traveled to the small purple flowers growing outside the window at the cafe front. 

"yeah... sad" you spoke softly while your heart constricted in pain. 

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