7 ~ Problem

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"bye jin, see you next time" you waved happily as jin smiled and his reflection faded as the sun began to rise. 

You yawned while you managed to walk home in your tired state.

It had been exactly two weeks since your promise with jin. Since then you had always shown up on time to make sure you didn't worry jin again. It had also been almost one month since you had first meet jin. 

You walked up the steps of your house and quietly opened the door making sure not to wake up hoseok or jungkook. You walked to your room and you flopped onto your bed. You quickly closed your eyes trying to get some rest before work. This was you usual routine, you always managed to get a couple hours of sleep before you went to work. 

I will miss you 

You kept replaying the words that jin spoke in your head. The words he said the day you two made the promise, two weeks ago... and it was still stuck in your head. 

I will miss you 

Your face bent bright red as the words replayed in your head.

"stop stop stop" you mumbled out as you tired to push the thoughts about jin away. To be completely honest you had just recently managed to comprehend that there was actually a talking prince that you found in a lake.

However, the thought of you having feelings for said prince was something you really would never be able to understand. 

Yet here you were, laying in your bed at almost five in the morning replaying a few words that managed to make your heart race. 

"it's pointless" you whispered out. You tried to talk some sense into yourself. You knew you were right too. 

It was pointless, your feelings would never matter. Now you weren't sure exactly how the connection worked between the lake but you knew enough. 

You knew the day you fell through the lake...you would never be able to reach jin. No matter how hard you tried, no matter how much your feelings grew for him. It was pointless. So you stared at your ceiling while you felt a dull ache in your heart. 

"Y/N WAKE UP TIME FOR WORK" you jolted out of your staring contest and you sighed. 

"great" you mumbled out realizing you spent way too much time thinking about your feelings and now you had to go to work dead tired. 


You walked lazily to the lake after work. You were exhausted from not being able to get some sleep before work like usual because of your overwhelming thoughts this morning. You sighed and continued to walk down the dark path with your usual blanket and flashlight in hand. 

"y/n-oh my" jin looked at you worried while you yawned and placed the blanket on the ground before sitting. 

"hello jin" you mumbled back

"you look tired, are you feeling alright" jin face continued to show a worried expression and you felt terrible about making him worry. So you quickly smiled trying to seem more energetic

"I'm fine"

"you look tired, maybe you should get some rest. I wouldn't want you to get sick" jin spoke while in your tired state you suddenly blurted out. 

"what no, I don't want to go now we barely even talked. I would-" your brain quickly caught up with what you were about to say. 

I would miss you. I would miss you if I went home already.

You blushed at the thought and jin looked at you questionably.

"you would what" he asked while you blushed harder.

"n-nothing" you stuttered and jin didn't look convinced at all.

"no, you were going to say something, tell me" jin looked at you intensely while you tried to make up an excuse but you tired brain just wasn't functioning properly. You truly were exhausted. 

"y/n I don't appreciate you keeping things from me. Beside you tell me everything what is making you so nervous" jin said clearly referring to you nervously tapping your fingers on your knee trying to think of something.

"y/n what is it-"

"I would miss you...I would miss you if I had to leave already" you mumbled out not believing you just blurted that out. You blushed heavily and you could have sworn you saw jin blushing as well. You both sat there with red faces in comfortable silence. 

"w-well you're clearly tired and I don't want you to get sick so please just get some rest tonight. We can see each other tomorrow" jin gave a light smile and you sighed knowing he was right. 

"fine, you win" you laughed and packed up your things before travelling back home. 


"this is unbelievable" jin sighed while tiredly walking to his large garden. 

Jin didn't get any sleep last night because of one person. 


I would miss you

Jin walked by the pond and he blushed. He was extremely worried when he blurted out that he would miss y/n a while ago but he couldn't believe she had said she would miss him as well. 

He smiled brightly replaying the memory in his head but soon he saw something in the corner of his eye. He looked down and bent to pick up the handkerchief, he saw a full moon sewn in the middle and he wondered who the beautiful handkerchief belonged too. 

Jin was the only one who liked to visit the garden.

"oh namjoon" jin mumbled out remembering that the male would appear in the garden at random times.  maybe he had dropped it. 

He was meant to ask namjoon about the moon as well. Namjoon had warned him that the upcoming crescent moon would cause a very weak connection and that jin would not be able to speak to y/n properly. 

But he wanted to know how to prepare for the next full moon, when he would finally be able to see y/n, just like namjoon said. 

So jin walked around his garden looking for namjoon but he saw no sign of him. 

Jin sighed and gave up trying to look for his mysterious friend while he put the handkerchief away so he could return it to namjoon later. Jin then turned around to leave and his eyes widened while he saw a familiar face.

"p-princess" jin was surprised to see the princess from the region beside his fathers territory, the girl he was supposed to marry. He was confused as to why she was here considering he had told his father he refused to marry her.

"well, don't you think you should just call me by my name. After all we are to be married" 

This was a problem. 

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