15 ~ Meet Again

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Jin sat in his garden and he yawned while he was simply enjoying the slight breeze and the view of the flowers. Well until a voice suddenly spoke from beside him "hello your majesty" jin jumped slightly in surprise and he looked up at the person who had scared him, namjoon.

"namjoon, where have you been" jin questioned wondering where namjoon had disappeared to during the past couple of days. 

Namjoon simply smiled "well I've been around" jin sighed at namjoons vague answer, but he was used to it by now. Namjoon always managed to avoid the questions jin asked and he was almost never serious either. Jin gave up on trying to pry into where namjoon had been and instead reached into his pocket and pulled out the handkerchief he never got to return. 

"you dropped this namjoon" jin watched as namjoons face changed. For once his face looked serious, sad almost. 

But namjoon quickly smiled and gently took the handkerchief from jin "thank you". Jin was surprised by his serious expression, he almost wanted to ask why namjoon was acting so different but he knew namjoon would just avoid his questions again. 

So jin simply decided to inform namjoon on what he had missed "well you've missed a lot around here namjoon" 

"oh what did I miss" namjoon asked while he sat down next to jin. 

"the king is forcing me to get married to seoyoung, the neighboring princess" jin said simply but he couldn't help the angry expression on his face. Namjoon frowned seeing jins expression "you seem upset" he questioned and jin sighed angrily. 

"of course I am, you know that I have feelings for someone else" jin said while namjoon sighed. "you mean y/n" he asked while jin simply nodded his head sadly. Jin felt his heart clench at the thought of y/n, he missed her. 

But then jin remembered his plan and he smiled slightly "However I know the next full moon you told me that I could be with y/n so I plan to leave everything"

Namjoons eyes were wide while jin spoke "you plan to leave everything to be with her" jin looked at him and smiled "of course... I love her"

Namjoon looked like he wanted to tell jin something desperately. The look of panic, regret, and sadness taking over his face. But before namjoon could speak jin heard another voice "your majesty, you have an early day tomorrow it would be best if you rested" jin sighed towards the maid. 

"yes, I will be right there" then jin turned to continue his conversation with namjoon but he was gone, jin should be used to his disappearing acts by now. 

Jin got up hoping to be back soon to see y/n in the pond next time. He missed her dearly, he sighed and walked out of the garden and back inside. He slowly walked to his room and as he was just at the door he heard a loud voice. 


Jin froze and slowly turned around to see his father walking towards him with a smirking seoyoung following closely behind him. 

"seokjin, you will be getting closer to seoyoung for the next couple of days until your wedding,  you will travel around the kingdom showing her around"  jins eyes widened "why" he asked.

The kings eyes were narrowed, he was clearly upset about jin talking back. "you do not question my words, now go" jin clenched his fists but managed to reply "yes father". Jin knew he couldn't deny his father, he sighed and watched as the king walked away and seoyoung smirked "see you're father already likes me, you should really just give in to the marriage"

Jin simply walked past her and spoke "come on I will show you around the castle". Jin clearly wanted to spend as little time with seoyoung as possible and this angered her. 

Seoyoung noticed jin was acting strangely. She only wanted one thing from jin, she wanted the land jin would inherit.


Namjoon wandered around the area, he knew y/n was not home, he could sense her. He felt a heavy weight on his shoulders, he felt guilty. Was what he did really right, or was it his own selfish desire. He looked at the city view that was so different from the place he was just at...the place was the past where seokjin existed. 

Namjoon was trying to distract himself by walking around but he kept thinking about what jin had said. How he was willing to leave everything for y/n.... he was starting to doubt all of his choices. He wondered if he was doing the right thing or if just a he was a horrible person who simply wanted something for himself. 

He sighed as his thoughts overwhelmed him and he found himself naturally ending up at a very familiar place. The link, the small lake that connected y/n and jin. He sighed knowing he ended up here because namjoon was always naturally drawn towards water. He gently waved his hand over the water and then slowly images appeared in the water. Namjoon looked closely watching as he could now see y/n sleeping soundly on the beach.

But he completely froze when the image reflected through the lake showed other familiar faces and not only y/n. He saw the others, It worked, they somehow found each other again...he did it. His heart clenched as tears streamed down his face while he looked at the sleeping bodies on the sand huddled together. He couldn't help but cry when he saw all of them together again. 

Suddenly namjoon felt a burst of confidence, he was confident that he did the right thing. He was willing to deceive jin as long as he could see them, he could see her. His eyes were watery while he watched them through the lakes reflection and he clenched his fist while he held onto the small handkerchief jin had returned to him. 

He watched until suddenly y/n sat up and looked around in the dark with tears in her eyes, she must have had a bad dream. Namjoon desperately wanted to comfort her but he couldn't. He wondered what she could have been dreaming about, what she could have been so terrified or upset about. He watched as the others started waking up and hugged her gently while trying to calm her down. 

Namjoon smiled gently at the interaction and he wished to be there, he watched as they all comforted her and they slowly headed back inside to their house. 

Namjoon still couldn't shake the guilty feeling while thinking about jin though. But as he watched them all safely head inside the house he knew what he wanted. He could deceive jin for a little longer, he just wanted to see them for a little longer. He could tell jin at the full moon of his wrong doings. He just wanted a little more time. 

He pushed away the guilt while he looked at the moon, he smiled a as a bittersweet feeling overwhelmed him and he gently held the handkerchief to his heart, it held namjoons most cherished memories. He watched as the moon began to fade and the sun took it's place. 

Namjoon smiled again when he thought about the old memory. 

"why are you crying"

"well if the moon disappears then does it die, I don't want it to die. It's so pretty" 

Namjoon smiled while he whispered softly "the moon will come back, and one day it will be full again"

"so it returns, you promise it comes back" 

"of course. I promise it comes back"

"Okay then, promise me we can watch it together next time"

Namjoon clenched his fist while he looked up "I will make sure we meet again"

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