4 ~ Together

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You yawned while you walked into the office. You attempted to walk to your desk but you felt someone put their arm around your shoulder. 

"morning y/n" you looked up and smiled slightly and replied "morning jimin". 

You both walked while jimin's arm remained around your shoulder until you heard a loud voice "PARK, Stop goofing around and get to work" you chuckled as jimin quickly removed his arm from your shoulder and rushed off to his desk after his boss yelled at him. 

You then arrived at your familiar desk across from yoongi. You sighed as soon as you sat down and yawned once again.

"you seem tired" yoongi laughed.  You groaned and mumbled out "don't remind me".

You then began working immediately trying to drink as much coffee as you could. 

You walked down the streets headed home late as usual but you bumped into someone

"oh, I'm sorry" you spoke softly and a man looked at you. He had a sad expression at first but then he had a dimpled smile "it's alright" he helped you up and gave you a light smile. 

"my name is namjoon" he seemed familiar for some reason, you gave a light smile and spoke softly "my name is y/n"

Namjoon looked at you with an expression that seemed conflicted but then he spoke "I shouldn't be here....um I have a meeting soon" you watched as namjoon rushed off and your brows furrowed curiously when you could have sworn you heard him mumble something under his breath as he rushed off, it sounded like he said something about a mistake. 

Then your eyes traveled down to the ground and you saw something where he was standing. 

You bent down and gently picked up the handkerchief, your eyes widened realizing namjoon must have dropped it. You looked at the handkerchief's design, it was black and it had a moon sewn into the middle. It looked oddly familiar, but before you could think about the familiar piece of cloth your phone began ringing. You shook away the feeling and picked up the phone as you began walking down the street knowing namjoon was long gone. 

"what's up jungkook" you said putting the handkerchief neatly in your pocket hoping you would see namjoon again one day so you could to return it. 

"when are you coming home, hoseok wont let me eat until you get here" jungkook whined over the phone and you laughed while you waved down a taxi while you quickly got in and told the driver your address. 

"I'll be home soon, just wait you big baby" you said and jungkook screamed

"don't call me tha-" before he could yell at you for the name you called him you hung up while chuckling. You sat back in the seat while the taxi drove through the city and you reached into your pocket pulling out the handkerchief to look at it again, it was like you were drawn to it for some reason. 

You looked at the moon and you felt a weird mix of emotions. You sighed and simply zoned out looking at the handkerchief trying to figure out the weird emotions and familiarity you felt from the piece of cloth. But you realized you spent a long time distracted since you were at your house already. 

 You shoved it in your pocket and quickly payed the taxi driver before getting out of the car and walking to your doorstep. 

You opened the door and jungkooks eyes met yours since your door was right across from the kitchen. As soon as he saw your face he screamed "y/n is here hoseok" then he began eating immediately. 

You laughed as jungkook inhaled the food and hoseok entered the kitchen "you work too much, why don't you ever leave with us anymore" hoseok was pouting while he plated some food for you. You thanked him and sat down at the table with your two friends and began eating. 

"well you know it's busy for me right now" you sighed. You, hoseok, and jungkook worked in different areas at your workplace so you had different tasks. Unfortunately around this time you were always really busy and so was yoongi since you both worked together. 

"yeah well make sure to get some rest tonight" hoseok said while you smiled lightly. 

"of course"


You checked the time on your phone, 12:34 am. You quietly got out of bed and rushed out of the house. You knew hoseok would be furious if he knew you haven't been sleeping properly for the past couple of days but you and jin always had to meet at night. 

You brought your bag filled with a blanket and some snacks while you traveled back to the familiar lake near your house. You approached the area and set up the blanket right near the lake but you froze when you saw jin wasn't there. 

"jin are you there" you spoke and no one answered. You looked down in confusion but froze when you noticed you could clearly see your own reflection. You looked at your reflection in the water and you were surprised, that wasn't normal. Whenever you talked to jin you could only see him and not your own reflection in the water. 

You wondered if something was wrong. This hadn't happened before. You felt yourself worry while you sat there but as time passed you realized it was useless to simply wait at the lake side. 

You slowly began packing up while you thought about going home. You began walking away from the lake in while you worried about jin but you stopped walking when you heard a loud voice. 

"y/n, y/n, are you here. I'm sorry I'm late" your eyes widened while you ran back over to the lake and noticed jin was staring at you with relief when you came into his line of vision. You smiled brightly at him and you could no longer see your reflection in the water.

"jin, I thought you wouldn't come. I could see my own reflection and I was really confused, I thought that something was wrong" you spoke softly and jin frowned. 

"I was taking care of royal duties, you know my father. I suppose we both have to be in front of the water for it to work" jin said while you frowned as well, you knew all about jins father. He seemed like a terrible person, he was so harsh on jin. 

You then thought about the water, you guessed jin was right you both needed to be there. You slowly got out your blanket and sat down near the edge. 

"well what did your father want" you asked curiously and jin sighed while he sat down as well. You could see the distress on his face and you instantly felt worried, for some reason you really didn't want to see jin so upset. 

"he wants me to marry a woman from another region, they are threatening a war and my father believes a marriage will outcome in a truths" jin spoke while for some reason your heart ached when he mention marrying another girl. 

You were confused by the feeling while jin continued "I had told my father I wouldn't though, I have someone else in mind" jin gave a light smile while for a split second you thought about you and jin possibly being together. 


Your face went bright red while you quickly pushed away the thought and you tired to change the subject as fast as possible. So you started talking about your day and jin did as well. 

Moon | bts jin x readerWhere stories live. Discover now