14 ~ Fate

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You all finished eating and everyone decided to get some rest. You had way too much on your mind so you decided to go for a walk, considering everyone was probably asleep you left the small house alone and traveled to the beach. You yawned and lazily walked down the small path outside the house until you finally arrived at the large sandy beach. 

You immediately felt your worries wash away when you saw the beautiful view. The sky was dark but filled with stars that caused the waves from the beach to glow. You slowly sat down on the sand and let the waves take away your worries. 

You smiled gently but jumped when a soft voice suddenly spoke from behind you "couldn't sleep" you turned around to see jungkook standing behind you. You watched as he sat down next to you "you scared me, and I just wanted to go for a walk" you replied. 

"you know it's weird, the past couple of days we haven't seen each other much. We haven't really talked, is everything okay" you looked over at jungkook and noticed his worried expression. 

You sighed knowing you had been busy with work, your constant worrying about jin, and these strange dreams you kept having. 

"I'm sorry kook, you know it's just been busy at work and I've been having these nightmares as well" you looked at him and smiled "but I'm really thankful that you were worried about me"

Jungkook smiled as soon as he saw how you were trying to reassure him you were alright, he sighed and spoke "jeez, I was worried for a second, if you have nightmares you could sleep with hoseok or me" you laughed suddenly while thinking of old memories. 

"yeah like you used to when we were younger" you questioned laughing uncontrollably while jungkook pouted and smacked your shoulder. "come on it was one time, I can't believe you still remember that" 

"yeah right, more like every night" you replied laughing harder while remembering when you first met jungkook. 

"this is jungkook, you have to be nice alright y/n" you nodded your head while you smiled up at your mother. She ruffled your hair and she began talking with jungkooks mother. 

He hid behind his mothers leg but you quickly grabbed his arm "come on jungkook" you ran to your room and quickly picked up some of your stuffed animals. Jungkook looked at you with wide eyes while you shoved a bear into his hands while you held the bunny stuffy. 

"that's bear, he HATES broccoli so I have a rule that when I bring him to dinner that I don't have to eat the broccoli since he hates it so much" you spoke and you were starting to think jungkook really didn't like you because he never smiled. 

"um... I'll let you borrow him if you want" you whispered and suddenly you heard laughing. You looked up and noticed jungkook was laughing. He looked like.. a bunny. You smiled and then gave him the bunny instead "you look just like a cute bunny kook" you laughed and he smiled hugging the stuffy in his arms tightly. 

You both ran down stairs while you yelled in unison "WE WANT TO GO TO THE PARK" your mother simply sighed  since she was used to your hyper nature while jungkooks mother was surprised "jungkook is never this excited he is usually very shy, I'm glad he has you y/n" she patted your head while you smiled up at her. 

You both ran around the park enjoying your time until a group of kids approached, they were a little older than you. They instantly tried to take jungkooks toys so you kicked the kid in the leg instantly when jungkook started crying. 

Your mother saw the whole thing and came over to pick you up, she knew you always had your reasons but went over to the other parent of the kid and apologized. You all headed back to your place and you mother told you to take a nap early. 

You were still angry about the kids at the park but you flopped onto your bed deciding to follow your mothers orders. You were about to go to bed but you saw your door open and jungkook looked at you from the small opening in the door "are you alright y/n, those guys were really mean looking" you looked at him and yelled "of course kook, I'm super strong" you flexed your small arms trying to look tough while smiling brightly. 

You noticed even though jungkook did seem worried about you he actually looked more worried about something else, you realized he was scared to sleep alone. So you simply lifted your blanket and made a space for him. 

"you can sleep with me if you want kook" you said and jungkook immediately joined you not even thinking about your offer. You giggled as you guessed right and jungkook seemed to be scared to sleep alone. 

"you know I still think you look like a bunny" you laughed and jungkook groaned "yeah yeah, well at least I never used a stuffed bear as an excuse to not eat vegetables" he laughed while you smiled "I was a smart kid".

"you know it's weird but now you're so weak" jungkook teased while you punched him in the arm "am not, I'm so strong" jungkook began bursting out laughing while you flexed your arms attempting to look tough, just like when you were kids. 

"you know apparently our mothers met because they both tried to buy the same type of flowers but only one was left. They apparently started talking because of it" you looked at jungkook questionably. You were about to ask about the topic further but a loud scream cut you off. 

"HEY GUYS" you smiled knowing who it was, you turned around to see and excited taehyung followed by hoseok, jimin, and yoongi. 

You laughed brightly as taehyung tackled you into a hug. 

"what were you guys talking about" hoseok asked and you smiled " we were talking about when we first met and jungkook couldn't sleep alone" you teased while he smacked your arm. 

"ohhhhh I remember when we first met" taehyung smiled brightly.

"yeah I hated you" jungkook spoke and taehyung pouted and spoke "but now you love me". You laughed while you thought about how you met your four other friends. 

"you know I'm surprised we are still together" yoongi spoke

"we are fated" jimin said with a huge smile.

"more like I can't get rid of you guys" yoongi joked. 

"I mean maybe jimin's right... well doesn't matter. All I know is I really love you guys and I can't imagine my life without you" they all looked at you and smiled brightly "don't be so cheesy y/n" 

You smiled and all of you sat on the sandy beach talking about the old days.

You laughed watching while your friends began screaming in excitement. Jimin was attempting to run away from jungkook who wanted to throw him in the water. Yoongi was napping on the sand, and of course hoseok and taehyung were attempting to make a sand castle. You leaned back on your hands smiling, you were happy that fate brought such wonderful friends into your life.


Or maybe it was something else. 

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