17 ~ Fear

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You smiled while you saw jimin run across the sandy beach only to dive into the water. Taehyung quickly joined him in the water floating on a board he brought and jungkook instantly tried to flip him over and you couldn't help but laugh loudly. 

"are you coming in" hoseok questioned while you shook your head "no, you go ahead" hoseok smiled and ran off. You were exhausted from getting no sleep last night, the dreams you had were getting worse and even more confusing, like why were you friend suddenly present at the small house. 

You sighed and sat on the beach towel but you felt someone sit next to you. You turned your head and you were met with a grumpy yoongi as he sat down beside you on the large beach towel. 

"good morning yoongi" you spoke and he simply grunted as a reply due to his tired state and then laid down. You couldn't help but stare intensely at yoongi because of one thing...the dream. You were sure that you saw him in your dreams only he was younger, but how was that possible. 

You had only met him a couple years ago so you know for sure you had never met him when you two were younger but maybe your brain just imagined what a younger version of yoongi would look like. But the more you thought about the dream the more you got frustrated, so many questions and so little answers. 

Finally you decided maybe you could at least get one answer. "hey yoongi" yoongi slowly opened his eyes and looked up at you while he tilted his head slightly "yeah"

"do you remember ever meeting when we were younger near a small house. The house was surrounded by miles of grass with a forest surrounding it" you knew you sounded a little crazy but these reoccurring dreams were driving you more insane. 

"no, I don't remember going to a place like that, I've spent my whole life in the city. Why did you think we met" he asked and you pondered how to reply without sounding insane but someone jumped onto yoongi saving you from replying.

"taehyung get off"

You watched as you friends ran over one by one joining you and yoongi on the large beach towel and sat around you two. 

"what are you guys talking about" hoseok asked and you sighed. 

"the dream I had last night" you spoke and they all turned their attention towards you, clearly they were worried about you since they saw your crying state after the nightmare you had last night. 

Seeing everyone deeply concerned faces made you feel guilty, you didn't want to worry them. 

"well we were all younger and hanging out but suddenly I just disappeared, it was just sad you know" parts of that was the truth. Taehyung ruffled your hair while smiling "aww don't worry y/n we will make sure you wont disappear, actually we wont let you" you laughed and everyone slowly began going back to playing in the water or talking. 

You truly didn't want to worry your friends, besides they were just dreams... 


You yawned while the sun was setting and you finally pulled up to your house. After your day at the beach you, jungkook, and hoseok took hoseoks car home. You were happy to finally get some real rest, even though you enjoyed hanging out with everyone you had to admit it was exhausting. 

"I'm so tired" jungkook yawned while you and hoseok followed him into the house. "yeah, I'm going to bed" hoseok spoke while yawning as well. 

"yeah same, see you guys tomorrow" you traveled to your room and unpacked your stuff from your beach trip. You then got into bed but you didn't dare to close your eyes. The dreams you had were becoming more frequent and you weren't about to have another nightmare. 

So not wanting to experience the dreams again you decided to try to stay up. You laid in bed and tried to distract yourself by looking through your phone. But as time passed you couldn't fight your exhaustion and no matter how hard you tried to keep your eyelids from closing they eventually got heavier and heavier until they finally closed. 

You looked around and saw that you were standing in the large grassy field once more. You slowly turned your head and then you saw that hoseok, jungkook, taehyung, jimin, and yoongi were sitting around you. They were all younger again.

"little moon what's in your hands" you turned to the voice and again you couldn't recognize his face. It was shadowy, like no matter how hard you tried you could never see him. You slowly looked down at your hands and saw flowers, the same purple ones.

"more flowers, you give me way to much of these" he laughed while picking you up easily and holding you. 

"well this is how you found us right, so I have to make sure to treasure them" you said happily and he laughed lightly. He then sat down on the grassy field and you moved out of his arms so you were sat next to him with your friends happily sitting beside you. 

"want to hear the story again" he asked and you nodded your head. 

"well one day I was walking down in the forest when I saw a beautiful patch of bright purple flowers. I thought I had to pick some, so of course I followed the trail of bright purple flowers"

"oh, I know the next part" taehyung screamed excitedly while he climbed onto the males lap and you smiled brightly "then you saw us by the water and you saved y/n from getting hurt" 

You remembered what life was like before you were taken in. You, hoseok, taehyung, jungkook, and jimin were all abandoned. You five stayed together for as long as you could remember wandering around and trying to hunt food for yourselves in the large forest. The day you were saved was when you had attempted to catch the fish in the large river. 

"I couldn't leave you alone so I took you guys in. At first I had no idea what I was doing but slowly overtime you guys grew to be a big part of my life. My one true family, the people I cherish most" you smiled up at him. 

He had taken you all in when you were young and wandering together. All alone. 

But he found you guys and you were all together now, you were truly...happy. 

"yup and we will continue to be happy as a family" you smiled brightly and stood up from your spot while happily jumping in excitement. 

"YES" hoseok screamed happily using his little legs to jump up and down as he agreed with you. You began laughing as you all smiled happily together. 

Until your laughter died down and suddenly you couldn't breath properly once again. You then began coughing once more, the same burning feeling from your lungs. Your eyes traveled down to your small hands seeing the bright red blood smeared on them. 

"y/n" the unknown male screamed and you looked up. You were meet with an expression on everyones faces that looked so familiar, you had seen the expression before. The only emotion that overwhelmed you and apparently them as well...


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