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"Seriously? Right now? You're not even going to let me relax and get used to this castle?" He says, very obviously annoyed.

"No, as a future king you need to learn how to discipline, scold, and let someone know their place."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Taehyung asks, his lazy tone more a statement than a question.

"Prince Taehyung you're in my castle now. I'm the boss, you listen to me and you listen to my parents. You even listen to our staff because you are a guest. You do not get to roll your eyes and stomp around. Do you think I want you here? Do you think I want to teach some imbecile? You're wasting my time and I don't appreciate that. Know your place."

Taehyung stands there, looking as if Jungkook's words didn't mean anything. Truth is, he's surprised the young prince had even said anything.

But there's no way he would show that. He pegged Jungkook as someone quiet and nice, someone who didn't even think of raising his voice at someone. He didn't think Jungkook would understand his inappropriate comments or understand how annoyed Taehyung was from just glancing at his posture.

It seems he was wrong.

"Okay is your lesson done now? I'd like to go get settled in my room, surely that's a fair request." Taehyung says, grinning with false humor as his eyes narrowed.

"Of course Prince Taehyung," Jungkook saud snottily. Sure he isn't acting any better at the moment, but he needs Taehyung to know that he's acting completely disrespectful. "Follow me, this way."

Jungkook spins on his heel and strides away, not really caring if Taehyung is following or not. To be honest, he wants to drop off the other royal so he can go do something relaxing, something calming.

"Here's your room for the next month." Jungkook says, opening a door similar to his own, stepping to the side and resisting the urge to say 'the next year'.

"Thank you, Prince Jungkook." Taehyung says before closing the door. He's capable of looking around himself and unpacking as the castles maids have already brought his luggage and belongings.

Jungkook smiles, a genuine smile now that he isn't accompanied by Taehyung. He skips away to his favorite room, grabbing one of his favorite people by the sleeve and dragging them with him.

And no, it's not Jimin, it's Yoongi. The castle's personal pianist.

They found him playing at a town festival and instantly fell in love with him and his music. It's almost hilarious to watch the way Jungkook's parents treat the boy as if he's their lost child.

Granted, he's still technically a towns person, but the King and Queen have kindly allowed him his own room in the castle.

He's kind of used to the extra affection, including getting dragged into the piano room with the young prince every time he got frustrated or just felt like he needed a spirit lift.

Which was more often than you'd think.

"Prince Jungkook slow down!" Yoongi said, trying to brush his black locks from falling in front of his dark eyes, blocking his vision of the castle walls zipping past.

Jungkook didn't answer, he just kept pulling the older boy with him until the large doors swung open, showing a completely empty room besides a white grand piano. Jungkook instantly smiled when he saw the piano and he walked towards it, letting go of the pianist's hands and listening carefully as his shoes clicked against the checkered black and white tiled floor.

He loves the way the simple sound echoed throughout the large room, bouncing off the high ceiling. Long windows were spread out over the span of the walls, though the dim sky outside kept the room dark and quiet. Just the way Jungkook liked it.

"Would you like me to play your favorite, Prince Jungkook?" Yoongi asked, taking a seat on the velvet bench before placing his large hands carefully against the delicate keys.

"Yes please." Jungkook replied, smiling as Yoongi's brown eyes scanned the keys. He knew the song by heart, no doubt, but he liked to change things up every so often.

The brunette hopped up on the piano and laid back, keeping one leg extended while the other was bent. He placed one arm under his head to cushion himself from the hard surface, and lightly placed his other over his stomach.

He closed his eyes and inhaled softly, sighing in content when Yoongi struck the first note, a beautiful string of sounds following after.

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