My sweet white rose.

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It was dark but the shipping lights was proud and bright. Everyone is there stance and we could see them. Ace was crouched down next to me and was looking around. I was doing the same, my gun off safety mode and ready to be fired.

'There climbing up the shipments right now. Jason and Marquis watch out one just went on the other side of shipment 365.' Jazmine spoken in the ear piece. Ace nodded and we heard everyone respond.

'Roger that'

The lights were flickering on and off. Memories flashed into my mind of when I first killed someone. The sounds of Ships getting started to deliver the other individual shipments blocked out any sound of us here.

I soon started too see more Red Dragons. I even saw the few on the other side of shipment 365 where Jason and teardrop is.

Ace turned to me and nodded telling me everything in his eyes.

'Everyone get ready to fire. On my count.'

From up here I could see Jason and Tear drop nodded. More Red dragons guarded shipment 365. I had a bad feeling in my stomach that something bad is going to happen but ignored it knowing it is not my place. Plus...I have to prove to these people I am nothing but WEAK.

When we saw A individual come into the light lighting a cig, Ace said the count.


Shots fired catching the Red Dragons off Guard. When  bullet flew our way, Ace Pushed me down his body on top of me. "Stay here."

"No!" Voices were heard as the war started. I wasn't about to stay here like a helpless child,  I needed to help.

"I can't let you get hurt Dawn!"

I gaped at him . "So what the fuck you told me to come here for?!"

Is he serious?

He stared at me speechless. Damn right. I so used his words against him.

"Just Stay. Here." He hissed. I rolled my eyes. He is lucky he is sexy af.

He pulled out his gun and ran into the shoot out.

Like I would stay here... Ha. I might be not fully into this killing people but I do admit I am stubborn as hell.

I got my gun in my hands and was about to run same as Ace but I stopped when I saw Tear drop.

I watched as Teardrop Smirked, wiping his bloody mouth. He looked injured as he was slightly limping. What the hell happened in less than what 5 minutes. I rolled my eyes. This boy seems to love trouble. 

I watched as A red Dragon stood on the other side almost in the same condition as Marquis. Him and his component. Dropped there weapons as if they ran out of bullets and circled around each other like a lion with its prey. 

'Oh my god.' My mind screamed. The red dragon threw the first punch. Teardrop was quick enough to side track it pacing and waiting for the next punch. I notice someone sneaking up behind Jason on the other side of Shipment 365. I am assuming the same shipment this whole thing is over. What is in there? And why does the Red dragons want to steal it from the Italian mafia? It must be really important.

Jason was too busy shooting who ever came near that he didn't notice the men behind him.

I cursed as I saw a gun in the men hands. I aimed my gun trying to calm my trembling hands. I got this...Right?

Shit shit shit!

I blew a deep breath and pulled the trigger squeezing my eyes shut. 

Did i get him?

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