take you out.

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I was extremely .... I have no words. But all I know is that I appreciate how these people allowed me too see one of my family.

But now that I am surrounded by half the mafia...I realized something. How many people lost there families while being here? I glanced at Ace to see him nodding to one of the members but I assume he felt my eyes on him because he glanced at me, raised a brow, and gave me a small almost invisible smirk. 

I returned the smile but looked around and saw Jazmine watching me. She mouthed, 'What's wrong?'

I shook my head. 'Nothing'

I turned around and sat at the table. Apparently every once in a while Ace and the higher members would bring together everyone and just hang out. Show that we still know they exist.

I found myself being strong enough to walk up to the  younger group of people.  When I gotten closer they turned to me. there were 5 kids between the ages of 16 to lets say 20. 

"Um hi" I bent low gave a little wave but sat up when one of the boys snorted.

I looked back as if I was sticking my hand in a bag of not mines money. "I wanted to ask..."

They stared at me. "Yeah?"

"How long has it been since you've seen your family?"

There brows raised and one looked as if he was going to blow up. "Why? Its none of your business. Just because you and the boss has some sort of thing doesn't mean you need to know all of our personal information!"

I stepped back. "N-no that's not what I meant at all I mean-"

"What's going on here?" That deep rough voice. help!

I turned around to see Ace standing behind me. He looked down at me then back at the kids.

"Nothing just saying hey to people. Lets go I am getting hungry." I tried grabbing Ace arms but he dodged it. "Dawn."

"Yes?" I said innocently.

"What. Is. Going. ON."

I gulped. "I was asking how long has it been since they seen there family."

When Ace does not make a single movement, (Which i learned from watching him) It means he isn't quite approved by the situation he is currently in. Especially if it affects his whatchamacallit reputation.

"Can I talk to you for a moment?" He said it in a question tone, but we all know... Except the fact it made my panties soaked.

He dragged me out the room and up the stairs into the guest bathroom. He locked the door and leaned against it folded arms and deep glare. Gulp.

"Did I ever tell you how handsome you look right now?" Oh let me catch you up. We've been making out a few times... 

"Nice try." He sighed when I pouted, "Dawn just because I allowed you too see Michael which by the way has been here more than a normal person should be-" True. "Doesn't mean I want you to put ideas in my members head that they should see there family." He ran a hand through his hair. "Yes, they didn't quite exactly chose this lifestyle, but they said the oath and the words to make them loyal here. Were there new family now. We are a family. You have to remember that."

I looked away guilty. "I'm sorry ace."

He pulled me in his arms and kissed my head. "Me too." He pushed me back. His eyes showed emotion only he shows around me. It was a look that I never seen before but it made my insides turn with worry.

"What's wrong?" I whispered. He gave me a small smile and shook his head. "Nothing my love."

He kissed my lips. "Nothing at all."


I sat on the couch watching Ace type up some documents on the computer. His glasses on the tip of his nose and his arms bulging everytime his fingertips sweep over the key board.

"Done staring?" He looked up at me and i shook my head. "Nope."

He smirked. "Becareful what your saying beautiful."

I twisted my lips... "Nope."

He laughed and god did I ever tell you his laugh is so deep. 



"What did you want to be when you were little?" 

He looked at me with confusement. "Why?"

I shrugged. "It just doesn't feel as if you were always this way... A killer."

"I wanted to be a doctor. My mother used to let me practice on her with fake items of course. She would always come to me when sick, real or not. She made my dream of becoming a surgeon realistic and something that might actually happen one day." His tone was soft and silk like when speaking of her. His eyes twinkled a bit but then it darkened.

"She died and the dream died with her."

I know Ace. I know.


"Yes my love?"

"When were you going to tell me about my twin brother?"

His eyes widen and he looked at me, almost dropping the laptop. The glasses fell on the floor but he made no indication of moving to retrieve them. 

"W-what?" He coughed. "Dawn I-"

I shrugged. "I was upset before but when I started understanding your reasons I just... let it go. But one thing sticked in my head. Why would you think I wouldn't be related to him? We have the same name."

"You do dawn but your... like a white rose." I smiled a bit at his expression. "But he is like me. Not worse but like me. A killer and I don't want you up into that."

"I am up into it. If I want to be with you then I have to be anyways right? It doesn't matter if I get hurt or not. Your the one I want to be with."

I finally knew what I spoke was true once I heard them with my own ears. I know Ace was ecstatic but of course he wouldn't show it.

"Your not fit to be here dawn." His words held a deeper meaning but his eyes shown it all. "Let me take you out."

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