"Dawn Thorn"

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The things you do for love is crazy. It's like suicide, just less, heartbreaking. The thing is, i'm doing something to hurt the one I love for the one I love. Crazy right?

I'm becoming a monster for a monster. Just to hurt another monster while protecting this monster's flesh and blood. But he would never know. Not while he is getting freaky with the queen of bitch. 

I stroked with the tip of my fingers across Allaric's nose as his beautiful eye's stared up at me. 

"He was a little boy, busy as a bee. He wasn't aware, of the world he soon to meet. His parents fought and fought, just to protect from the world, yet his little, little thoughts grew to curious to kill." I hummed. "My little little bee. Oh how busy can you bee? sit tight and watch me as I fire away my bees. Just to save your tiny butt, from being killed from today. I am making up words, that doesn't make sense." I smiled a bit. "I love you allaric. I love you so much, My love is too powerful to break. No matter what happens I will always be there for you, and I hope I see you again, as today might be my last if I survive. So please, remember me my baby boy. Remember me and we will meet again." I took off my necklace from my neck and wrapping it around his thin wrist. I covered him in blankets and carried him over to the guard.

"Hurt him, and I will haunt you until you drive off a cliff. If I am alive, well sorry body, but one mark on his fresh baby skin and you just signed your death certificate. Got it." I hissed. The guard rolled his eyes and nodded, leaving me with the other guard.

I passed by this path way too many times to wonder where I am going. All I have to do is smell the stale scent of Hot Cheetos and know I am about to meet my sadly related twin brother.

From head to toe I was dressed in black. I stepped into the spot light a bag meeting my feet.

"Open it." His voice traveled through the darkness.

I bent down to open it and pulled out a black wig and a ear piece. 

"Put them on and Copper will take you to your car. The Car will have a GPS on it so don't try anything stupid. The location is already put in. Go to it and do the task you've been assigned. Anything less will lead to your head on my table along side your bastard baby boy. Got it?"

I threw the wig on fixing it tightly and tucked the ear piece onto my ear's tapping it to make sure it's on.

"Yes boss." I sneered. He clapped and sighed. "Excellent. Take her away."


"No results sir."

I cursed. Where the fuck can you be Dawn? How hard is it to track down a 5'4ft red hair freckled face green eye female specimen?

"Boss." I looked up too see Marquis. "What?"

"You have the shipment between the Japanese mafia tonight sir at the abandon Car garage."

I shot under line of curses. "Great, just great." I mumbled. I cleared my throat and nodded.

"Gather all the members that was assigned the task of going with us, I want them ready and clarified on the situation one more time before I reach downstairs. Understood?" 

"yes boss."

Marquis exit the room and I ran a hand through my hair. What is your plan thorn? Why warn us then disappear like a ghost. 

I shook my head, grabbing my gun and shades throwing them on, letting the Dawn situation go for a few hours.

I headed down the stairs and into the Garage. I found all my members there and was surprised to see Jazmine and Zara there as well. My brow raised, to Jason and he shrugged.

"Jazmine, Zara. I don't remember saying you apart of this mission. Especially you Zara."

Those two hasn't spoken to me since that night. They follow there jobs and ignore me. It's become a routine. They even dragged Marquis and Anel into there little mess. Jason has no choice to speak to me because he is my right hand man.

"We want to be here." Jazmine responded coldly. I turned to Zara. "I trained her."

"It still doesn't mean she can come. What if something happens to her and Jason? What about Baby sincere."

"You didn't think about that when it became Dawn situation did you?" Zara answered with the same tone as Jazmine. Cold.

My eyes narrowed. "Watch who you are speaking to Zara. You might be Jason's but I am your boss whether you like it or not." I folded my hands. "Your not allowed to attend this mission. End of discussion!"

My eyes caught Jason's as he smiled at me through his eyes in appreciation. When it comes to Zara, he's whipped. And so was i.


I pulled up into the empty lot of the abandon Car Garage. The place was a dump, trash and Broken Car's piled up on one another. The shop was half standing, the lights flickering off and on, the sign swinging. The water behind us was heard from here.

I turned off the car, My ear piece in and every one positions were clear. 

"They arrived boss." Jazmine said through the ear piece.

"Got it."

I got out the car grabbing the black brief case. I took wide steps half way to the point where the leader of the Japanese mafia stood. His hands in his front pockets, his men and woman behind him.

"Wang lee."

"Ace Elvonel. Heard lot's of new stuff about you in the past few months. I see your hands has been extra dirty."

I pressed my lips in a thin line as I held out the brief case in front of me. "I'm here for business not chit chat. You have my money or not?"

"I have it, though I want something else." 

My hands clenched. "That wasn't apart of the deal."

"I know it wasn't, but something came up and there bid is much higher than yours." His already squinted eyes squinted more making him look as if he was sleeping with wrinkly eyes.
"I want the -"

"Ace Elvonel."

"Boss there's someone behind you. Weapon alerted. Waiting on order to shoot sir."

I turned around, My men gun raised and ready, and also Wang lee's people.

I was stood faced to face with a girl, black hair, black mask, black clothing. Black everything. A Mac 87 was raised in front of her, her trembling finger over the trigger.

From that notice, I just knew who it was. 

"Dawn Thorn."

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