Ace Elvanel.

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~Time is what we want most but what we use worst~

I've lost track of the days I've been locked up in here. They drop of food for me but I am hesitant of eating it. I always give in to my stomach when the food turns cold.

I haven't showered since I've been locked in here and I feel very uncomfortable. I figured out they are Italian when I picked up one of the words they said.


And that word is the one word I will describe myself right now. Smelly. Disgusting. Un appropriate..

I laid on the cold metal like floor and put one finger out in front of the other as if your walking and moved them on the floor.

I've tried multiple ways of escaping..



Woman problems...

But they all lead to this...


'Suck it up.' Or 'You aint a problem since no one going to get your disease.'


'I could make your death quicker by this fancy bullet ready for you.'

Woman problems:

'Use your fingers and fuck it out of you'

Yep...those were all of the responses I gotten from them...

I tore off my shirt and dipped it in the toilet water. I felt so disgusted by this but it was the closest thing from clean clothes.

I cried as I put the shirt back on. Is my brothers ok? are they searching for me?

Is Michael ok?

Footsteps were heard and my sobs were cut short.

I peeked up and gasped as I saw the man who chased me in the woods. He looked at me with those dark unknown colored eyes and no emotions ran through his face. His shoulders were high and stern and his posture screamed importance at the moment.

Despite my fear I still wanted to come out strong. He sure did with his rolled up black button up and his black jeans with his black boots.

He wore a silver ring on his thumb and pinkie and you could see the tattoo's on his arms.

His hair was swept back in its neat style and his pink lips pressed together.

"W-what do you want from me?" I asked. When his eyes flickered to mines, I realized he was watching the dried pool of blood by the lights.

"Come to rape me? Torture me? fucking hell just kill me already!" I screamed, tears running down my face.

He still wouldn't talk. "You kidnapped me because of my fat ass boss and his bullshit pussy ass ways that gotten him into whatever mess he has with you and now you want to what? use me?"

I saw his eyes flickered from soft to hard cold steel in a flash. I was starting to think from the lack of H2O I was hallucinating.

"Ace Elvanel"

I looked at him as if he was out of his mind. Probably is.

"Excuse me?"

"My name is Ace Elvanel. I own the Italian Mafia and I get what I ask for. If you are late with your payment I put bullet in head. Your boss or you refer to him, 'fat ass pig' owns me lots of things. I give him extra time because its a big thing I want. He did not meet payment due so you are what I get in return of not putting bullet in head." He shrugged walking towards me. I moved backwards trying to get rid of his closeness as quick as possible.

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