I'm sorry.

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My head was pounding. I felt a light pain in my arm but I couldn't confirm it. I tried opening my heavy lids but it was as if they didn't want to open. They didn't want to see whats around them.

"She's waking up." a soft voice whispered. I groaned feeling something stirring in the pit of my stomach. I tried once again to open my eyes  and was somehow relief to find them opening. The bright light shone over me making me groan again.

"Turn off the fucking light!" I yelled covering my eyes. I heard some shuffling and I felt the light come off. I opened them and they were in fact gone. 

I sat up looking around. This room looks familiar....

Holy shit.

I looked over at 3 girls. 

One had brown hair pinned in a bun with green forest eyes. Next to her was a beautiful caramel skinned light brown eyed beauty with Her curly hair in a puffball ponytail. And the one next to that one had Dirty blonde hair brown eyes and the cutest dimple on the left cheek. She was pregnant and I recalled Michael saying something about Me being a aunt and its Carter...

These must be The boys girfriends.

"W-where am i-i?" I rubbed my head. "Where's Ace?" 

Green eye bit her lip. "Michael brought you in... I'm Emerald Alex Girlfriend. This is Toyana You can call her Toyin She's Brian Fiancé And this is Samantha Carter Fiancé."

Emerald tapped Toyana. "Go get Michael."

She got up and rushed out the room. "A-am i home?" Tears welled up in my eyes. Where's Ace. What happened? Why can't i remember anything? The tears didn't stop when they rolled down my cheeks.

"Oh please don't cry." Samantha whined. "If you do i would...I think its apart the pregnancy!"

I cried harder. "Where's Ace! Ace!"

Michael ran in and Knelt to me. "Dawn Calm down."

I shook my head "Where's Ace. Why am i here! Michael Ace he-"

My rambling stopped when a memory came in my head.

 He did something to me...I remember i fell asleep...He... Oh Ace Why did you do this?

"Girls maybe you should go downstairs with everyone else..."

Everyone else? 

They did as Michael asked and Closed the door behind them. I turned to Michael.

"Why did he bring me here? What did he do to me?"


"No Michael i want answers! I want to go back to him i-"

"Your finally back with your family and you want to go back to him?" Michael stared at me in disbelief. I couldn't help it. We loved eachother I need answers!

"Michael not now!"

"Not now? When Dawn? You've been gone for almost a year now!" His face got red a bit. "He doesn't want you! Why do you think he dropped you off here!"

Tears blurried my vision again. "Y-your lying!"

"Lying? Lying! You can't be calling me a liar when I've been alive and you have been so called dead fucking your-"

I raised my hand to his cheek. I was shaking to the core. Is what he said really true? Ace doesn't want me anymore? 

"I-I hate you!" I broke down. He used me didn't he? He lied and said he loved me. "I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I-" Michael pulled me in his chest as I said those 3 words over and over. It started off as directed to him then to Ace but I realized who I finally hate... Myself.

I hate myself for falling for him. Believing in him. Thinking someone like him would actually be with someone like me... Maybe there's an explanation behind all this... Maybe that man by the tree is behind this. Maybe Ace sent me away to protect me. That's it. He wouldn't leave me He is just trying to protect me. So why do I feel like this is the last time I would see him again?

"I'm sorry Dawn."

I shook my head. "I want to see him Michael."

"He is gone."

"I want to see him..."

"Dawn I-"

"I want...." I leaned deeper into Michael Embrace... "Want...Want..." My eye lids grew heavier as  I felt Michael arms circle around me. "Him.."


Alex, Brian and Carter has been sitting at the Brown Circled table staring into space for almost 3 hours now. Thoughts running through there mind after Michael's explanation.


Joined a mafia. 

Died. Well fake died.

Fell in love.

Now suddenly the dude lets there sister go and brought her back with no explanation what so ever?

For people who lost there sister and moved on they sure are taking this calmly...

Carter heard a scream and he flinched hearing the cries of his used to be dead sister. Alex and Brian did the same and all 3 looked up towards the closed door.

"She's alive" Carter whispered.

"Screaming and alive..." Brian responded. Alex has been thinking on one thought and one thought only.

'What in the hell happened to Dawn?'

Heavy footsteps made its way down the stairs and Michael appeared shirt wrinkled and bags under eyes lids.

"Is she ok? What happened? I don't understand this Michael how could she just-"

"Please...Let her explain. Right now she isn't thinking straight."

"We need to go to the police about this!" Brian boasted Toyin holding his hands.

"He is the police." Michael muttered.


"He has friends in the police."

"Wait...Your telling me.."

"Policemen's are not to be trusted then yes, yes I am."

"Not that..." Alex whispered. He looked at Michael. "How long did you know she was alive?"

"Not long.." Michael Shrugged. A small smile played at his lips. "She was happy. Her skin glowing excited to go on that date..." Michael frowned. "I know he loved her but I don't think that's the reason why..." Michael shook his head. "She's asleep now but I have a feeling she wouldn't want to see you three."

"Excuse me?" Alex stood up. "We should be the one's not wanting to see her after what she pulled!"

"She had a choice. Die or join. Which would you choose? You think she wanted this? God Alex put yourself in her shoes goddammit! I was supposed to be in her shoes but she made them choose her! She did this for us and now you want to be blaming her?"

The boys grew quiet with there lovers by there side. "Alex if Dawn hadn't "Died" You wouldn't have met Emerald, Brian you wouldn't have met Toyin and Carter. You wouldn't have become a father and is about to be engaged to a wonderful woman. I wouldn't have realized that I was  taken my life for advantage and her death opened a new world before me."

Guilt. This rambling was guilt yet the guilt spoke the truth. "She suffered the most. And she would till whatever day but right now we need to be here for her."

"We need to be there for Dawn Thorn."

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