The encounter

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Disclaimer: I clearly do not own One-Punch Man, otherwise it would not be the amazing manga it is now.

Side note: There are probably going to be details that are incredibly inaccurate, and potentially grammar mistakes. I'm sorry if it seems like their personalities are watered down a tad, I'm just grossly incompetent at writing. Furthermore, I am going under the assumption that the reader has knowledge of characters' appearance and voice.

Original release date: July 23, 2019 (Small update on April 25, 2020) (Small edit on May 25, 2020)


Important Note: If you're one of those people who want the romance immediately, this isn't the story for you. I want the story to stay true to the characters, instead of them only having the trait of 'lovesick with each other.' You're either gonna have to skip ahead a long way to see romance, probably to like the 20th chapter which I haven't even planned yet, so probably further, or find another story. Sorry, but I firmly believe that if I want to ship two (or more) characters, I should stay true to their personalities instead of shipping them for the sake of shipping them, or because they're super different or some weird ass clash of personalities.

If you do want to just skip to the point where there is romance and that the two are in a relationship, go to the chapter "The Storm." If you want to go to the point where romance starts, go to the chapter named "Routine."

TL;DR of important note: you aren't gonna find any immediate romance until a long way into the story, so either wait till then or find another story that fits your wants. also i'm actually having these characters be them.

And finally:

I know that I am open to criticism and all that, and I am currently working on fixing it in the future, but I do not need to be reminded that I made Tatsumaki too weak. Yes, I did. In both the meteor chapter, and now, and depending on your perception of her power, maybe in Resolution or whatever (which would just mean you're a bit wack cause I don't think she could take Boros). In the future chapters, I am planning and making sure that I keep true to her abilities and keep her like extremely overpowered.


A green energy ball flew through the city, followed by shrieks and screams of whoever remained. A lone figure crashed down, creating a large crater around where he stood. Smirking, the lone figure figured he would only further intimidate the vermin he viewed.

"I am Vaccine Man!" The tall, muscular purple monster belted. "I am here on behalf on Mother Nature, here to cleanse her Earth of humans who have ruined her lifeforce!" He scowled, as the sound of a whimpering child interrupted him.

The little girl's eyes widened as she cowered in fear while Vaccine Man approached. Shaking, she reluctantly looked up only to be met with the imposing eyes of Vaccine Man. Whimpering once more, she did the only thing that came to mind.

"M-Mommy! Daddy! Help!" She screamed, begging for someone, anyone to come to her aid. Moments passed by, as Vaccine Man sadistically grinned at the sight of a human feeling the last drop of hope leave them. Silence. Heart-wrenching silence was all the young girl received.

"See, young one? No-one will pay for your sins against Mother Nature. I am her messenger, and I shall carry out her will!" Vaccine Man had become tired of what he viewed as vermin. He couldn't stand the sight of a human much longer. However, before he could form another energy ball to cause more havoc, the debris and rubble around him was surrounded in a faint, yet bright green glow. Furthermore, the young girl was also surrounded in the same glow and taken away from Vaccine Man's reach.

"Don't worry; it'll all be okay. Just let me handle this." A gentle voice spoke to the young girl.

The purple monster looked to where the voice originated from, only to be met with the sight of a levitating, short, green-haired esper. He scowled, annoyed with the sight of more humans. Taking a closer glance, he realized that her hair was floating as she wore a long black dress with four high-cut leg slits.

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