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• Laken Noelle •

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• Laken Noelle •

Today is the day. Today is the day I start my role on Supernatural. Today is the day where I get to see Jensen again. Wait. No. Why do I want to see Jensen so badly? I just met him and I barley know him. I just need to get over this "little crush" and need to act professionally.

"I still don't think this is a good idea. This show just doesn't seem your style." Adam says and I roll my eyes. "Not my style? I was literally on a show with vampires and werewolves! What's the difference from being one and killing one!" I shout and Adam ignores me. "That's what I thought." I say as I march out of the apartment.

Sometime I wonder why in the hell I stay with him. I think it's just because I like the idea of being in a relationship. I just haven't found the right guy. God. I'm a horrible person, I stay with a guy, only to be in a relationship. What the hell? I need to go back to therapy.


I park my car into my new reserved parking spot. New. Everything is so new. And I like it. I was so tired of the old routine. It was just getting old for me and boring.

I walk around looking for someone or anyone. "Excuse me? Are you Laken Noelle?" A man asks with a head piece on. "Yes." I say and he nods. "I'm Frank. I'm just a P.A. guy and I'm going to show you to your trailer." I giggle a little at his comment about himself. "Thank you."

I follow him to my trailer and it's a lot bigger than I expected. It's next to three other identical trailers. "All the main cast get big trailers." Frank says answering my thoughts. "Oh. I get it now but, why I'm I getting a big one?" I ask and he chuckles. "Because you're apart of the main cast now." I look at him confused. I thought I was only here for a season or something. I honestly was expecting to be killed off quickly.

"The hair and makeup trailer is straight ahead be there is 15 minutes to get ready." I thank Frank for everything and unlock my door. I could get used to this. The peace and quite. On TVD set, we didn't have trailers, we had this weird room system thing that was just weird. (A/N: Don't know what TVD was worked so this information is probably wrong. I'm just making stuff up lol)


I make my way to the trailer and I'm about to open the door when it opens up. "Oh. I'm sorry." A male voice says. "Good job, Jar you almost hit a girl." Another voice says laughing. And two guys, get out of the trailer. It's Jared Padalecki and Misha Collins! "Laken?" Misha says. "The one and only." I say and he hugs me. "I haven't seen you for what? A year?" He questions. I nod. "Hi, I'm Jared." He hold out his hand and I shake it. "I'm Laken."

After a little chat with a boys, I finally get into the trailer. "You must be Laken?" A woman asks. "Yes I am." She smiles at me and pats the seat. "Sit here. I'm going to get you ready." I hop onto the seat and pull down my hair from the ponytail it's in. The woman begins to play with my hair.

I'm honestly so excited for this character. She's suppose to be a bad-ass hunter who can pretty much do anything. And she also gets to be with the one and only, Dean Winchester which is pretty awesome.

A hear the door open and I look I the mirror and it's, Jensen. Damn. Has he gotten hotter? Snap out of it! "Hey Laken-" Jensen says. "Do you want to run lines before we shoot?" I don't say anything, we're just looking at each other through the mirror.

"Um. Yeah." I mange to say and look the the woman to see if I was finished. "You're good, but you need to stop by wardrobe to get dressed." I thank her and follow Jensen out of the trailer. "Do you happen to know where wardrobe is?" I laugh and he smiles. He has an amazing smile. "Yes. I can take you there."


We're now at Jensen's trailer after getting dressed for filming. We have a little over an hour before we have to be on set.

"Who are you?"
"Who are you?"
"I asked first?"
"I'm Dean Winchester."
I laugh. "Yeah right. Am I'm Beyoncé"
"I'm serious."
"Me too, Dean." I roll my eyes.
"I can prove it to you."

(A/N: sorry for this shit script lol)

"Wow. You're really good." Jensen says and I smile at him. "You're not to bad yourself, Jay." He laughs and we start chatting. Not about the show, not about filming, but we talk about ourselves and our lives.

Honestly, he is a really great person from what I can tell. Hopefully, he doesn't think I'm horrible. I laugh at the thought. "What?" He says smiling at me. "Nothing. Just a thought." "We should probably get to set." He says and I groan. "I don't wanna leave." I pout and he laughs. "Let's go, Laken. You can't be late on your first day." Jensen says and holds out his hand to pull up from the couch. I grab his hand and smile.

Wow. I'm loving this already and it has barely even begun.

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