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• Laken Noelle •

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• Laken Noelle •

"How do you even know if it's his child?" Gen asks, and I shrug my shoulders. We're back at my place, lying on the floor, side by side. I honestly don't know why, but it's just what we do. "I don't. I'm pretty sure he doesn't know either. And that's what scares me, that if I do stay with him and she's actually pregnant with his kid, that he'll choose her. So I made the decision for him." I whisper, and Gen sits up.

"This is getting depressing. Just get up, and go and talk to him. Drag that blondie down to a doctor and figure out the truth. Then go from there." Gen holds out her hand, and I grab it.

She's right. I need to go talk to him even if he doesn't want to talk with me. Even though he said he was done. I need to talk and get answers from Lacy.

"Okay. I'll go, tonight." I just hope I don't regret this.


I am just standing in front of his door, and I have no idea what in the world I am going to say. 'Hey. How's it going, buddy?' Ugh. Just do it, Laken. It's not that hard to knock on a door.

I raise my fist up and gently knocked on the door, hoping nobody heard it. But, the knob moves, and Jensen opens the door.

"L? What- um what are you doing here?" He asks hesitantly. "I just want to talk and I know that you don't want to talk, but we um need to talk." I blabber and he smiles, "Of course we can talk. Come in."

I look around to see if Lacy is anywhere to be seen. But, I don't see her. "Do you want anything to drink or-""I'm good." I cut him off, and I have no idea how to approach this. Ah.

"Laken.-""Where's Lacy? I ran into her at the mall earlier and she told me she was living with you." I snap, not being able to contain myself any longer. I look down at the ground, not really wanting to look him in the eyes. "She's gone." He whispers, and I look up, confused.

"She wasn't actually pregnant, L." He smiles, and I am shocked. "W-what? How do you know?" He laughs a little, and walks closer to me.

"I made her take a pregnancy test, and told her if she didn't I'd ruin her..." He says, and reaches out for my hand. "Ruin her?" I giggle. "I was trying to sound scary, and it worked." I pull him in and hug him.

I release my breath that I feel like I've been holding in forever. I am relieved. "I am so sorry, I didn't believe you, Jay." I cry in his arms, and holds me tighter. "You had ever right not too, I lied to you about Lacy in the past." He sounds guilty, and I look up at him. "I just- I just want to get past this." I say, and he smiles. "I do too." He leans in and kisses my forehead.


Jensen and I have been doing nothing except lay in each other's arms all night. We have a lot to work out, but I think it's safe to say we are okay. "Move in with me." Jensen whispers into my hair, and what? "What?" I say confused, we just got back together and he wants me to move in?

"I know it sounds crazy, but Laken, I love you and it may be too soon considering we just got back together, but I just want to be with you, L. We can work things out, and live together. You don't have to give me an answer now, but just think about it?" He concludes and I turn around and face him. I am just shocked.

"Yes." I say before thinking too much about it. "Yes?" He smiles and I giggle. "Yes, I will move in with you, Jensen." He pulls me up, so I'm straddling his legs and I laugh.

"Did I mention that I love you?" He says, and I lean in and kiss him. "I think you mentioned that a couple of times." I giggle, and I am happy again. "I love you, Jay." I say. "I love you. Until the end, Laken Noelle." And my heart literally bursts with happiness.

A day ago, I had lost hope that I'd ever be with him again. I thought I ruined every chance, but now I am moving in with him. I guess it's all working out in our favor.

The End.

laken noelle ➳ jensen acklesWhere stories live. Discover now