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• Laken Noelle •

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• Laken Noelle •

Damn it. Why does all this crap have to happen to me? Something in this freaking universe doesn't want me and Jay to end up together.

If this baby really is Jay's, I want him and Lacy to have a chance. No matter how much it hurts me to say, but it's true. But, if the baby isn't his or if there isn't a baby at all, I just ruined all the trust we were slowly rebuilding.

And now, I have to go to set, and I don't know how to act around Jay. Should I ignore him or act like nothing happened? Ah. My thoughts keep going as I very slowly get ready for work.


"Good morning, Ms. Laken." Jeff says with a bright smile. "Mornin Jeff!" And his brightness has lifted my mood. "Where's Jensen? You guys always come to work together?" He questions. So Jensen isn't here yet.

"Um. We just decided not to today." I bite my lip, and hope that he doesn't ask anymore questions about Jensen. "Okay. Well, have a good day." He waves me off and I say you too.

I have a scene with Misha this morning, and then a break until a day full of scenes with Jay and I. Yay.


"Misha? Are you in here?" I knock on his trailer door, wanting him to walk to set with me. "Yep. Was just about to head out." He yells, and opens the door. "Geez. What happened to you?" Misha questions as he takes in my appearance.

"Excuse me? Um. I just got done with hair and makeup." I ask confused. Wait. Does he know somethings up? "You just look dead inside." I snicker, "Thanks for the compliment. I really try." I say sarcastically. And we both laugh.

"But, seriously. What's wrong?" He ask as we walk down the concrete path to the stages. "Um. I think Jay and I broke up." His eyes widens in shock. "You think? What happened?" He asks, and I kinda feel bad. We were his number one ship, next to Destiel.

"Lacy showed up and said she is pregnant with his baby. And-". "She's lying. Obviously." Misha cuts in and look down. "But what if she's not. And the baby is his?" I feel the tears pooling in my eyes, and Misha gives me a reassuring smile. "L. I doubt the baby is his." I shake my head.

"How do you know? How could you possibly know? Jay says that it isn't his and that she might not actually be pregnant. But why don't I believe him?" My voice sounds desperate, and Misha frowns. "Time will tell."


I'm sitting in my chair, waiting for my next scene. And Jensen isn't here yet. I feel like I'm going to explode once I see him. I shake my leg nervously, watching the door. Until it opens, and Jensen walks through it.

I hold my breathe, and look at him, until his eyes meet mine. I quickly turn away. I hear footsteps coming up to me, and I know he's coming this way. Damn it. "Laken." He states, and I look up at him. "Jensen." This is going to be awkward.

"You ready to shoot this scene?" I ask weakly, trying to start a conversation. He laughs a little, and looks at me. "Are you serious, L? You practically break up with me over lies and you're trying to small talk with me?" He rolls his eyes, clearly frustrated. "Yes."

"Laken. Why won't you believe me? We need to communicate! And you just walk away! Baby, talk to me please." He pleads and he looks like his is about to cry. I caused this. I'm only going to bring him pain. Maybe this happened for the best.

"They want us now." I mutter, and walk past hi up onto the stage.


"You lied to me, and manipulated me! How could I ever trust you again, Dean?" I/Maya yells. "I never lied to you! You just didn't believe me, Maya." Jay/Dean yells back, frustrated.

I give him a confused look, "How could I trust you? You always leave me in the dark about every thing, Dean.-" I sigh, "-How could I trust someone who won't talk to me?"

"Why should I even say a word if you don't listen to me?" He yells, and I furrow my eyebrows. This isn't in the script. "Jay. That isn't the line." I say, and he rolls his eyes.

"You don't believe anything I say, so why should I even try anymore?" He continues, and then I realize he's not Dean, he's Jensen, yelling at me. "Jay. We can talk about this later-" I whisper, not really wanted to cause a bigger scene. "Talk? We never listen to each other so why talk?" Tears are coming out of both our eyes.

Shit. I caused this. I caused all this pain because I have trust issues! Damn. "We just need to communicate better." I try to convince him. He shakes his head. "There is nothing to talk about anymore. You made that decision when you walked out that door." He pushes past me, and I begin to sob.

I turn around and everyone is standing there, wide eyed. This is gonna be a hard one to explain.

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