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• Laken Noelle •

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• Laken Noelle •

It's finally Friday! I mean I love this job and SPN but, damn am I tired. I'm just ready to sleep for two days straight. But I'm also kinda sad that I won't see the guys for two whole days which sounds kinda weird.

I wanna find Jared so I can run lines with him for a certain scene. I'm just not sure how he wants it to go. I walk up to his trailer and knock twice. I hear footsteps and the door opens. "Hello." Says a beautiful woman. Why is she in Jared's trailer? "Um. Hi. Do you know where Jared is?" I ask with a smile and she shakes her head. "No he went somewhere with Misha and Jensen so he'll be gone for a while." We both laugh. "Great. I wanted to run lines with him real quick." I say kinda frustrated. "Oh I'm Laken." I say and she smiles.

"I'm Gen." She The Gen? The one that Jared can't shut up about? Wow. "It's nice to finally meet you. Jared talks about you all the time." She laughs. "Yeah. Jensen talks about you all the time." What? Why would Jensen he talking about me? I shake it off.

"Hey Laken." I turn around to see Jared smiling and I return the smile. "Hey. I was looking for you and I finally got to meet Gen!" I say.

After running lines and talking to Gen for awhile, I'm wanted on set. Gen is honestly like my Candice on this set. Wait Candice! I haven't talked to her in forever.

I quickly get out my phone and call her. "Hello?"
"Hey! Candice! I'm so sorry I haven't called! I've just been so caught up in the new show."
"It's fine, L. I miss you! It's weird here without you!"
"It's weird without you but, I'm definitely in love with this job!"
"That's great! How has it been? Kissing Jensen Ackles I mean?
I cough. "Wh-What? I haven't been ki-kissing Jensen?"
She laughs. "I thought you played his love interest?" Oh that's what she means.
"We haven't kissed yet. It's kinda a playing hard to get relationship." I laugh.
"Well it seems great. I let you get back to it."

I hang up and run to set because I'm late.


After a long day of filming I ready to go home. I'm tired out of my mind. "Hey." I hear a familiar voice from behind and a hand on my wrist. I turn to see Jensen and I smile. He let's go of my wrist and says, "Do you want to go get a drink? It's the end of your first week, that causes for celebration!" He says and I laugh. Forgetting that I'm tired, I except.


We arrive at a bar and I follow Jensen to the VIP section. It's completely empty, just the way I like it. "I'm going to get us some drinks." I smile and nod.

Wow. I can't believe I came here with Jensen. Wait. More importantly, why did he ask me to go? I guess it's just him being nice. I mean we are going to be "together" a lot.

Jensen is back with the drinks and he hands me one. "I didn't know what you liked so I got you all of them." I laugh, thinking he's joking but three people walk-in with trays of drinks and put them on the table. "Wait you're serious?" I laugh again. "Thank you." He says to the people and they leave, leaving us alone.

"So how are you liking the job so far?" Jensen says. "I honestly love it! It's has been great! The cast and crew is amazing. Well almost all amazing. Their is this one guy, who is pretty annoying. Like he seriously gets on my nerves." I joke and Jensen laughs knowing I'm talking about him. "He sounds awful." "Yeah! He just walks around like he owns the place!" I continue. We both begin to laugh.

The drinking and the talking continues until we're pretty tipsy. At least I am, I'm not so sure about Jensen.

"Want to dance?" He ask, while standing up and holds out his hand. "Why I would love too." I say but I don't take his hand and stand up, "Just not with you." I laugh and his mouth opens and he says nothing. He's in shock. "I'm kidding, you goof. Come here." We both laugh and we start to dance.

A slower more contemporary song plays and i wraps my arms around him. And he wraps his arms around my waist. We aren't even dancing, we're just hugging and swaying. I could stay like this forever in his arms, he smells so good.

The song ends and we're still hugging. When we do finally pull apart, we stare into each others eyes. His eyes are just so mesmerizingly green. And he starts to lean in closer. Is he trying to kiss me? Do I want him to kiss me? No! Yes! No! I have a boyfriend.

I pull away and shake my head. "I-I have a boyfriend." And his face falls. He looks like I just killed his dog. "I'm sorry I didn't know." He says apologetically and I shake my head. "No, I should have told you." He nods in agreement.

"Yeah. You really should have. You just lead me on and then say you have a boyfriend?" He's mad? Why would he be mad about this? I'm about to say something, but no words come out of my mouth.

He walks out of the bar and he's gone just like that. What wrong with me?


I make to my apartment after crying for an hour in my car. I'm not upset that I almost cheated on Adam with Jensen. I'm upset because I didn't kiss Jensen. But it's not like he would want a relationship with me.

I open the door to find, Adam sitting on the couch with an angry face. "Where the hell have you been? It's almost 2am!" He shouts and I'm just to tired to care. I walk past him and he grabs my arm and turns me to face him.

"Where were you? Who were you with?" He shouts and I flinch at his tone. "I was at a bar with a friend. We were celebrating my first week at the job." I say calmly, trying to calm him down a little bit. "Who is he? The one you went to the bar with?" He says harshly. "Jay! And she!" I lie, I just want this argument to be over. "She?" He says calmly. "Yes, she." I say, a bit annoyed with the situation.

His eyes light up again but, then darken. I know exactly what he wants now. He pulls me in and we begin to kiss. Ugh. I just want to sleep.


I wake up to a buzz coming from my phone. It's a message from... Jensen? I thought he would want nothing to do with me.

Jensen: Hey

Laken: Um Hey.

Jensen: I'm sorry for my outburst earlier. I didn't mean it, Laken. I was just a bit drunk😔

Laken: It's fine.

It's not fine.

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