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• Laken Noelle •

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• Laken Noelle •

I haven't moved from my couch, this whole entire weekend. I have been stuffing my face with some much comfort food, I feel sick. I have no motivation anymore. Jensen literally sucked the life out of me, whenever he said we were done talking or even going to try to communicate.

And it's all my fault because I still believe that Lacy is pregnant. I just don't know if it is his or not. And I want to believe him. I really do, but something is telling me not too.

Maybe I am doing this to punish myself. I do it all the time. Ruin the good in my life.

My phone rings which snaps me out of my mind. I look around, trying to find my phone, in my big mess of sadness. I lift up the cushion of the couch and find it.

Its Gen. Damn it. I am such a horrible friend! I always say this, but it is true. I block everyone out, or push them away. Why would Jay even want to be with a mess like me?

I take a deep breathe, and place a fake smile on my face. "Hey!" I say in my most convincing 'happy voice'. "L! I haven't heard from you in forever." Gen says, and I frown. "Yeah. About that. I am so sorry Gen. I just have been caught up-""Caught up with Jensen? How are you guys?" And I can pretty much hear her smile, and I don't want to be in this mess.

"We're great, actually!" I roll my eyes at how badly my lying voice is, considering I am an actress. "Well is there any chance you can get away from him, just for an afternoon?" Gen questions.

"There is a big chance I could." I say, and I bite my lip not trying to cry from the reality of it all. "Let's go shopping! We haven't been in forever!" I stand up and look into the mirror disgusted with my appearance.

My hair is everywhere, and I am wearing sweatpants. I NEVER WEAR SWEATPANTS! I am actually becoming concerned for my mental and physical health.

"It's a date." I smile, and hang up. Now time to fix this mess of myself.

• Jensen Ackles •

I am such an idiot. I was just so mad yesterday, and kind of exploded. I'm am just confused on why Laken can't trust me.

'Maybe it's because of you kind of cheated on her with the woman who is now claiming to pregnant with your unborn child.' SHUT UP BRAIN!

The truth is, I don't even know if Lacy even is pregnant. And if she is, I don't know if it is mine or not. But I am going to find out.

"Jay! Can you lend me some money to go to the mall?" I heard Lacy yell from the guest bedroom. And I know what you're thinking, but she had nowhere else to go... and she might be pregnant. I couldn't just throw her out on the streets.

"Money? What do you possibly need from the mall?" I say, very annoyed. I was planning to drag her ass, to a doctor's office today and see if she's actually prego.

"Well I need clothes because soon I'll be too big to fit my clothes I have now." She says, while walking into the living room.

I take a look at her very, very skinny stomach and roll my eye. Pregnant my ass. "Use your own." I breathe, and she scoffs. "I am pregnant with your child, the least you could do is give me money." She yells, and I fall back onto the couch.

"I doubt you're even pregnant! You don't even look like it! I will believe you whenever you go to the doctor with me!" She rolls her eyes, and starts to walk out the door.

"Where are you going?" I yell, and she slams the door. If she is actually pregnant and it's not my kid, I feel sorry for it.

• Laken Noelle •

"So how are you and Jared?" I ask Gen as we walk through the mall, and I am just trying to keep the conversation off of me. "We're freaking awesome. He's the one." She smiles, just at the thought of him.

"That's amazing, you guys are perfect for one another." I say, truly meaning it. "Not as perfect as you and Jensen." She smirks, and I frown. "Um. Yeah. I guess." She notices my frown and gives me a confused look.

"I thought you said you guys were doing great?" She questions and I shake my head. "I kind of lied. We-we um broke up." I tear rolls down my cheek and she looks shocked.

"What happened?" She sounds absolutely heartbroken. And before I can say anything. I see her. Lacy.

Be cool. Don't jump her ass. She could be pregnant. "Who is that?" I think Gen sees me staring at her, and I look at Gen. "Lacy." She gasps and looks back in her direction.

"What the hell is she doing in Vancouver? I thought she lived somewhere near Austin?" Before I can answer Gen's confusion, Lacy and I make eye contact, and she smiles.

She's walking up towards me? Why is she walking my way? "Laken. Long-time no see. How are you?" I roll my eyes and don't answer her. "Ah. Come on Laken. I really want to be friends, and put this whole 'me being pregnant with Jensen's baby' thing behind us." She laughs, and Gen's eyes widen.

"You're pregnant? With Jensen's baby?" Gen asks Lacy, clearly confused. "Yep." She smiles. "You sure it isn't one of the other guys you hooked up with? Maybe you got the wrong Jensen?" I snicker, and Lacy rolls her ugly eyes. Except they're not ugly, they are this pretty shade of blue, that my plain green eyes look nothing compared to hers.

"It is Jensen's. Now I have to go, he is waiting for me at home." She waves goodbye and walks away. Home? She's living with him?

"So you have some explaining to do." Gen says, and I nod. "Yeah. Just not here. Let's go home." I say lifelessly. I am just completely empty.

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