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   "Umkhulu!"  Stevi cheers as he runs down the ramp into Mother's arms.  By her side stands Okoye and Ayo.

   "Kukho inkawu yam encinci."  There's my little monkey.  Mother smiles as she wraps her arms around Stevi.

   "Thank you, Mother, for taking him on such short notice," I say as I hand Ayo Stevi's bag.  "I promise it will only be for a couple of days, while I help with this time heist they're planning." 

   Mother looks up at me with hope in her eyes.  "Do you think this will work?  Do you think this will bring them all back?"

   "I don't know Mother," I admit honestly.  "I'm hoping it will."  She nods her head as I squat down to Stevi's level.  "Come here you," I say as I place my hands on his shoulder.  "Now I want you to listen to Umkhulu, okay?  I'll be back in a couple of days.  And then, everything will be back to normal."  Stevi nods his head as I pull him into a hug.  "Be good," I whisper into his hair. 

   "Kidara, I want you to call me the minute it's done."  Mother says as I stand back up. 

   I pull her into a hug.  "You'll know it's done when we have them back," I tell her.  She nods in understanding when I pull away. 

   Okoye steps forward, handing me a small bag.  I peek inside spying a retractable spear, a set of batons, and a couple of knives.  I look up at Okoye and nod my head in thanks. 

   I notice Mother glaring down at the bag.  "Just in case," I explain as I tuck the bag under my arm.  She only nods her head but continues to glare at it. 

   "Ara, we got to go."  Dr. Banner calls from the ramp. 

   "Coming," I call back before brushing my lips against the top of Stevi's head. 


   I still can't understand why Rocket couldn't park the ship closer to New Asgard.  At least then I wouldn't be squeezed in the back of an already too small truck bed as it bounces uncomfortably down a gravel road. 

   I was eternally grateful when Rocket signaled for the driver to pull over on the docks.  Vaulting over the side, I stretch my back and legs out before glancing around at the village I hadn't come back to in two years. 

   Not much has changed, just a couple of new buildings here and there, but still all the same. 

   "Kid, I can see why you stopped coming."  Rocket grumbled as he hops out of the back.  "It's kinda a step down from a golden palace and using magic hammers and whatnot." 

   "Rocket."  I snap, glaring down at him. 

   "Hey, have a little compassion pal."  Dr. Banner orders.  "First they lost Asgard, then half their people." 

   "Not to mention another half of what survived Thanos' attack was taken during the snap," I add.  "The Asgardians were hit harder than anyone else in the galaxy.  We're glad there are any left." 

   Dr. Banner nods and points his finger at me in agreement.  "Yeah, they're probably just happy to have a home." 

   "You shouldn't have come."  A voice calls from behind us.  We all turn to face Brunhilda, the surrogate leader of the people of New Asgard. 

   "Ah, Valkyrie."  Dr. Banner cheers happily as he walks towards her, me following close behind.  "Great to see you, Angry Girl."  He continues, holding his arms out at his side. 

   "I think I liked you better either of the other ways."  She admits, watching him approach.  Brunhilda tilts her head to the side, looking me up and down.  "Hey Stranger, long time no see.  Where's your little one?" 

   "Hey, Brunhilda," I say with a small wave.  I pull out my pill bottle, feeling Sigyn banging away at my brain.  I pop two in my mouth, swallowing them dry.  "Stevi isn't here.  This is more... official business." 

   "Brunhilda?  I thought your name was Valkyrie."  Dr. Banner asks, tilting his head at her. 

   I facepalm before glaring up at him.  "Valkyrie is the name of the warrior group she was in," I explain with a shake of my head.  "Like the Dora Milaje.  Her real name is Brunhilda." 

   "Oh."  Dr. Banner hums.  "By the way, this is Rocket."  He adds pointing down to Rocket. 

   "How you doin'?"  Rocket greets, leaning casually on a stack of crates. 

   Brunhilda just glares down at him before glaring up at Dr. Banner.  "He won't see you."  She informs us with a shake of her head.  "He might see you."  She adds, pointing to me.  "But not as you."  I nod my head with a grumble, knowing good and well what she means. 

   "It's that bad?"  Dr. Banner asks. 

   "I told you."  I hum as I glance around. 

   "We only see him once a month when he comes in for..."  She trails off as she glances over her shoulder.  There in the distance is a large stake of empty beer kegs.  "Supplies." 

   I release a breath through my nose as I glare at the kegs.  "One of the reasons why I stopped coming," I grumble.

   "It's that bad."

   "Yeah."  Brunhilda agrees as she looks up at Dr. Banner.

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