Chapter 1

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"Greetings San Francisco! My name Korra, and this is Conflict Resolution, the after-hours radio show where I help callers sort out turmoil and heartache." The young woman smiled against the microphone as she readjusted it. This was always her favorite part of the show. "Today, I'd like to spend some time talking about belief in yourself, so if anyone is struggling to find courage, give me a call and we can talk about self-confidence."

Korra leaned down and scratched the head of her great pyrenees, Naga, who groaned and leaned into her hand. Her managers had been reluctant to allow the dog into the recording studio, but Naga proved to be a crowd pleaser with the audience. "As always I'm accepting calls on any subject. So pick up the phone and let's talk."

A blinking light on the switchboard indicated her first caller had been directed to the studio. The tech crew always had at least five callers waiting before the show started. Radio silence did not make for good entertainment. Korra pressed the flashing red button. "Hello! You're on Conflict Resolution. What seems to be the problem?"

"Uh, hi Korra. Hi Naga." The voice was quiet, probably from the man's own nerves than anything else.

Korra patted Naga on the head and she barked. "Naga says hi back."

The man laughed and spoke a little louder, "Um – I'm calling because I'm having a hard time convincing my wife of a business venture."

Leaning back in her chair, Korra swung the mic to travel with her. "Okay. So what is your business venture? Let's start there."

"I want to start a bakery themed after recipes involving cabbage. So many people are getting into the gluten-free, vegan lifestyle, I thought it would be a good idea. My grandfather grew and sold cabbages and has this really in-depth recipe book for baked goods involving cabbage."

"Cabbage baked goods. I can see that! I recently tried a chocolate cake made with beets." And it hadn't been the best, but Korra did not follow food trends very well. "But why do you need your wife to agree to this? Why not pursue it on your own?"

The man explained how they owned a restaurant together. Korra listened and nodded even though she knew the man could not see her. She figured it would help listeners get engaged in the show if she acted engaged in the conversation.

When the man finished talking, Korra responded. "Well, it sounds to me like your wife has some valid concerns, but you deserve to try out this idea. Have you two considered a compromise? Maybe try putting the cabbage stuff on a dessert menu. Give away free cookies. See if people like it first, you know? It might not be the best idea to immediately convert your restaurant into a bakery, but you definitely should try out new ideas. Does this help?"

"It actually does. Thanks Korra." The line went dead and Korra accepted a new caller. She loved this job, more than she thought she would when she finished school with a degree in communication. She had not really known what she would do with it, just that she would find work somewhere. The radio station had accepted her as a coffee lackey on a whim.

The hour went by quickly, and Korra had to sign off, reluctantly. "Well, I'd love to take more calls and resolve more conflicts, but you folks are going to have to wait another day for me to get back with you. Until tomorrow evening. My name is Korra, and you've been listening to Conflict Resolution."

She cut to a commercial and sighed, pushing away the mic and leaning down to pat Naga on the head. "We made it through another one, girl," she said. Her dog groaned and leaned into her hand. "Wanna get something to eat?"

Naga's ears perked up and Korra stood, stretching her back before grabbing her jacket and Naga's leash. The late-night show was her last part of her workday, allowing her to leave the studio at 11 pm. She took Naga down the stairwell and exited the building. She paused outside to inhale the salty scent of San Francisco's wharf air.

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