Chapter 13

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Korra pulled Asami closer as they tugged the covers up over their cooling bodies. Asami lay against Korra's side, her cheek pressing against Korra's collarbone. Korra could feel her drawing lazy circles on her chest. She shivered whenever Asami's fingers brushed too close to her breasts. "Be careful, there," she said.

"Can't handle another round?" Asami asked.

"No. I'm all worn out." Korra picked up her hand and placed it firmly above her chest. "It's your fault, you know," she added when Asami pouted. "You're just so good at what you do."

"Or maybe you just need more conditioning."

Korra laughed. "I have been out of the game a while. You are the first person I've been in a serious relationship with in a couple years."

Asami hummed and nuzzled against Korra. "I'll consider myself a lucky girl, then." She lifted her head. "A lucky girl who has a hot date?"

Korra frowned and raised a brow. "A date to what? With who?"

"A date with you, silly, to a corporate charity function with one of Future Industries' new partners." She leaned over and kissed Korra on the cheek. "If you want to go with me, that is." She started tracing patterns along Korra's chest again.

Korra threaded their hands together. "Were you trying to bribe me with all the sex or something?"

"I would never." Asami leaned over and kissed her on the lips. "But would more sex convince you to go?"

Korra laughed and shook her head. "I'll go as long as you don't expect me to be the picture of perfect etiquette. I didn't have finishing school like you."

Asami swatted her hand away. "I've never gone to finishing school, you dork." She glanced down at Korra's covered body. "You will need to wear something nice. That's it. The other CEO in attendance, Varrick, is a little odd. He'd like you more than the stuck up investors who attend these gatherings."

"What is he? Like an eccentric billionaire or something?"

"Kind of." Asami sighed and leaned further into her. "It's hard to explain. You'll see at the party." Korra nodded and they both settled further under the sheets, snuggling close in Korra's small bed. "Thank you for saying yes," she whispered.

Korra nodded. Sleep was catching her quickly. She leaned over and turned off the bedroom light. "I'll just need to go shopping. I don't think I have anything I can wear."

"Do you want me to take you?" Asami asked.

"No." Korra shook her head. "I think I know someone who'd love to help, actually."

"Korra!" Opal waved from across the food court in the mall. Korra grinned and waved back. They met each other half way and hugged.

"It's great to see you."

"I know. It's nice to have a girl's day without Mako and Bolin tagging along." Opal gave her a smug grin. "So, I hear you have a new special someone in your life."

Korra blushed. "Yeah, that's kind of what I need your help with. Asami has this fancy corporate party thing that she's taking me to. The nicest thing I own is khakis."

Opal made a face. "What kind of price limit are we talking about here?" she asked. They left the food court and walked down one of the many rows of shops.

"I'm expecting to spend a fair amount, but I don't want to go bankrupt on a dress."

"Did you want to wear a dress?"

Korra sighed. "Do I have a choice?"

"Maybe..." Opal considered her for a moment. "I think you might look nice in a tux to be honest."

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