Chapter 3

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Korra and Asami settled down in the master bedroom with various snacks spread around them. "Okay," said Asami. "So one of the first things I want to talk to you about is body language."

"Body language." Korra frowned and leaned back.

"Well most of the time you interact with people, you do so on your radio show. There, you're able to talk like a normal human being. The main difference between that and the club is that you don't have people's physical reaction to take into consideration."

Korra readjusted on the bed. She wished they could have had this conversation somewhere other than the large four-poster. "What do you mean?"

"Well depending on how someone is feeling, they have different physical markers. For example, if someone is upset they might cross their arms, or physically make themselves smaller. This will happen especially if someone is feeling under attack, like you're pressing too much or unnerving them."

"Wow, really? How do you know stuff like this?"

Asami shrugged and gave a casual smile. "It's important for negotiating to be able to tell how the client is feeling about what we're trying to sell them."

"Okay, so crossed arms means upset." When Asami made a face, Korra added, "Generally."

Asami nodded. "If they are not really interested or listening, people will tend to turn their body away from you."

"Like, turn around?"

"No, more like this." Asami climbed off the bed and stood up. "So like this. I'm standing facing you, relaxed shoulders, hands in my pockets. But if I turn to the right, so that I'm at an angle, the same pose looks different."

"You look bored."

"Exactly." Asami sat back down. "While standing does offer a lot more opportunities to give you clues, when someone is sitting down you can judge by how they're sitting. Are they leaning forward, or back? Looking at you, or through you?"

"I learned some of this in school," Korra added. To be fair, she often slept through her classes or elected to play games on her phone instead of pay attention. What had saved her grade and career was her ability to talk without the expectation of holding a normal conversation. Speeches, lectures, anything other than flirtatious banter was better. Thankfully, none of her professors had sought to test her on that.

"Well, it doesn't show," Asami replied.

They sat together on the bed for a moment of uncomfortable silence. Korra placed her weight on her palms and leaned back. "But you can't be right all the time, can you?" She did not like to think that Asami could so easily read people without a second thought.

Asami smirked. "Try me."

"All right. What is my body language saying right now, oh guru?" Korra tried to remain still as Asami studied her. She also tried to refrain from blushing, but she could feel her cheeks slowly overheating as Asami's gaze slowly traveled over her body.

"You're uncomfortable. Also a bit nervous. I'm guessing that's because we're talking about body language and dating while hanging out in bed." She winked.

Korra blushed even harder and crossed her arms. She hunched forward. "Am not!"

Asami laughed. "You totally are! Look at what you just did. I mentioned something you feel vulnerable about, and you curled up into a defensive ball. Your body language says it all." She continued to smirk and Korra looked away. Asami had read right through her.

"Well I guess it's a little uncomfortable and embarrassing to have a friend pick apart every little action I make or fail to read," she lied. Honestly, it was her thudding heart that was making her uncomfortable. Her body's reaction to Asami's playful flirting confused her. She needed time to go home and process, but instead she had elected to go up to Asami's room, sit on her bed, and talk about body language.

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