Chapter 18

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Korra tried to keep quiet while Asami slept beside her. Regardless of how old she was Korra always woke up early on Christmas morning. It was a little strange to be in the cabin with Asami. It filled her with a wonderful sense of peace to be able to share this holiday with someone she loved.

"So how long do I need to pretend to sleep before you're done staring at me?" Asami cracked an eye open.

"Good morning, Asami." Korra shifted closer and kissed her softly. "Merry Christmas."

Asami kissed her again. "Merry Christmas." She yawned and wrapped an arm around Korra. "So, are there any odd traditions I should be aware of for today?"

Korra laughed and pulled her close, lying back so that Asami could settle on top of her. "Nothing much. We usually open gifts and then relax. It's not an extravagant holiday for us."

"So are we watching your childhood videos before or after presents?" Asami asked. She grinned and trailed a finger down Korra's chest.

Korra groaned. "After." She planted a quick kiss on Asami's cheek before sliding out of bed. "Speaking of which..." she moved to their suitcases and dug around inside for a moment. "I wanted to give this to you while we're alone." She pulled the small velvet box out and sat back down on the bed. Asami raised a brow and carefully took it and opened it.

"Korra..." she breathed. "It's beautiful." She pulled the necklace from the box and examined it closely. "Put it on me?"

Korra smiled. "Of course." She moved behind Asami and carefully fastened the necklace. Asami turned around.

"How does it look?"

Korra grinned. She had been a little nervous buying jewelry for Asami. The CEO had all sorts of expensive rings, necklaces and bracelets that she wore for special occasions, but Korra wanted to give her something to wear all the time. The necklace was on a simple silver chain. The pendant a series of silver gears that shaped an intricate heart.

"It looks wonderful." Korra said. "It's not...I mean I wasn't sure with the heart. It's not too cheesy or–" Asami leaned forward and kissed her.

"Hush, I love it."

Korra grinned and kissed her again. "I love you."

"I love you too." Asami smiled. "Now, sit still, let me get yours." She got off the bed and dug through her own suitcase. "I didn't wrap it, but something tells me you won't mind." She pulled a plain slim box from the suitcase and walked back over to Korra. "Merry Christmas."

Korra took the box from her and turned it over. It held no markings, no indication of what might be inside. Carefully, she pulled the box open and looked inside. "Asami, it's... what am I looking at here?"

Asami smiled. "Tickets."

"I can see that, tickets to what?" Korra tried to read the small print in the dim light.

Asami laughed. "You know that MMA championship you wouldn't shut up about?"

Korra's eyes widened. "No...way...they sold out! You told me they were sold out!"

"They were." Asami kissed Korra on the cheek. "After I bought your tickets."

"You jerk!" Korra threw a light punch, but Asami caught her fist and pushed her back onto the bed. "You let me mope about that for weeks!"

"Well, now you get to be excited that our first weekend back in town will be spent watching half naked people beat each other up." Asami smiled down at Korra.

"Have I mentioned how much I love you?" Korra gently cupped Asami's cheek.

"Today? Or in general?" she teased. "Now, come on I was promised videos."

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