Chapter 9

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Korra carefully lifted up the edge of the pancake with her spatula, the underside was golden brown. She smiled and expertly flipped it. She let that cook for a moment and bent down, flicking the light on the oven on to check on the bacon. Satisfied, Korra returned her attention the pancakes on the stove. A few moments later she heard someone running through the house. The only other person here is Asami, what is she running for? Korra glanced at the clock. It was only eight a.m. and she knew Asami usually went it at nine, sometimes ten. The sound drew closer and Korra turned in time to see Asami skid to a stop at the doorframe.

"Morning Asami." Korra smiled. Asami's eyes were wide in disbelief and Korra glanced down at herself. "Is it the apron? I'm sorry I only have the one pair of clothes and I didn't want to get pancake batter on-"

"Pancake batter?" Asami panted.

Korra stepped aside and gestured to the frying pan on the stove. "I'm making you breakfast. The bacon is almost finished and I didn't know if you would want eggs so-"

Asami covered her face with her hand and started laughing. "You're making breakfast. Of course you're making breakfast. I am such an idiot."


Asami took a deep breath and moved to Korra's side. Asami pulled her into a tight hug. "When I woke up this morning and you weren't beside me, I thought..."

"You thought I'd left?" Korra murmured. She gently stroked up and down Asami's back. "I'm so sorry, I didn't think about that. I just wanted to do something nice for you."

Asami nuzzled against Korra's cheek. "It was silly, I know." She pulled back enough to look over Korra's shoulder. "Breakfast?"

"Yes! Breakfast." Korra turned around and checked on the pancake. This side is a little dark but- her train of thought derailed when she felt warm arms encircle her waist. Asami leaned down and rested her chin on Korra's shoulder. Carefully, Korra placed the pancake on the plate with the rest of them.

"Looks good," Asami murmured. Her breath against Korra's ear sent shivers down her spine.

"Are you talking about me? Or the pancake?" Korra asked. She turned in Asami's arms so that they were again face-to-face.

"What do you think?" Asami leaned forward and gently kissed Korra, backing her against the kitchen counter. Korra groaned and tangled her fingers in Asami's hair. The oven timer went off and Korra broke off the kiss.

"As much as I'd love to continue this, you really should eat breakfast before you go to work." Korra kissed Asami on the cheek and then pulled the bacon out of the oven.

"Maybe I should just call in sick." Asami grinned and pulled two plates out of the cabinet.

Korra laughed. "Who would you call? I mean you're the boss, aren't you? Are you going to call yourself?" Korra held up her hand as if it were a phone. "Um yeah, hey Ms. Sato, how are you? Not to good Ms. Sato. I don't think I can make it in today." Korra shook her head and brought the pancakes and bacon to the table.

Asami laughed. "I know, I know. I do wish our schedules lined up a little better." She stabbed her fork into one of the pancakes and put it on her plate. "I'm selfish, I want you all to myself."

Korra grinned and loaded her plate up with pancakes and bacon. "I know. I've asked a couple times now for a better time slot at the station, but so far, no dice."

Asami raised a brow at her. "You have? I had no idea."

Korra shrugged and swallowed a bite of pancake. "It's something I've been trying for before we started dating. Over the last few days, it's been weighing on my mind a bit more." She had gotten into an argument with the station manager over it a few days ago. "That's... not a problem, is it?"

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