Chapter 15

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Korra scrolled through the messages on her phone. It had only been a few days since she and Varrick created a podcast for her show. Asami had teased her about her obsessive habit of checking for new comments on the website, but she couldn't help it.

"Hey, I got you your burger." Asami held up the bag of food as she returned to their waiting place in the airport terminal.

"Uh huh," Korra said. She was reading a new comment someone had left.

Asami set the bag of food down next to Korra. "You should eat it before it gets cold."

Where do they get off saying I don't know anything because I'm a girl? "Uh huh."

"I think maybe I'll strip down to my underwear and give that security guard a lap dance."

"Uh...what?" Korra looked up from her phone. Asami shook her head and held her hand out for Korra's phone. Sheepishly, she gave it to Asami. Asami pressed a few buttons and handed it back.

"I have changed your unlock password."


"No, I'm not sharing you." Asami sat down next to Korra. "I mean how would you feel if I was on the phone with Future Industries every five minutes?"

Korra sighed. "I know, I'm sorry. I'm just nervous."

"Well, stop it. We're going on vacation, and I fully intend on making sure we both relax."

"Okay, I'll try to behave." Korra pocketed her phone and dug into her food.

Asami smiled. "I didn't say you had to behave. I fully intend on misbehaving once we reach the hotel. "

Korra grinned and gave Asami a kiss on the cheek. "You are too good to me." She took a bite out of her burger. "But we're going to have to wait a while. I don't know how awake I'll be, and my parents are insistent on picking us up from the airport."

"Are they sure? We won't be landing until late this evening."

Korra shrugged. "They want to have dinner with us. Besides, they already kind of said they'd be there." She winced when Asami glared. "Hey, there was nothing I could do to stop them. Besides, they're excited to meet you."

Asami finally smiled. "Well, I'm glad they're eager to see us." Asami hesitated for a moment. " tell them I'm your girlfriend?"

"Of course." Korra squeezed her hand. "I don't know if they said anything to the extended family yet, but they just want me to be happy and they know you make me happy."

"I guess I'm a little nervous. How many people are going to be there for Christmas?"

Korra laughed. "A lot. Not all of them are related by blood, but all of them are family. Don't worry, they'll love you." She took Asami's hand as they waited for the boarding call. This was their last flight before touching down in Anchorage. "So, do you know what you want to do in the city, yet?"

"I can think of one thing," Asami teased.

Korra chuckled. "Besides that."

Asami groaned and flipped her hair back. "I guess I want you to show me around. I want to see all the fun stuff a tourist would never learn about."

Korra grinned. "We can go skiing and sledding. I can take you to this really great pizza place, or sushi if you want. We can go visit a glacier and–"

Asami laughed. "I don't know if I've ever seen you this excited."

Korra blushed. "I just...I've never gotten to do this kind of thing."

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