Chapter 10

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Korra sighed and tossed her keys onto the kitchen table. She had just finished walking Naga after her show and she wanted nothing more than to just relax a little before going to bed. Korra was digging through the piles of clothes on the floor, looking for a clean t-shirt when she heard her phone go off. She smiled, knowing it would be Asami; no one else would bother her this late. Her smile faded when she read the message. I'm at your place, can you buzz me up? Korra jogged to her apartment window and saw Asami leaning against her car. Asami waved when she saw Korra and headed to the door to the complex. Korra let her in and anxiously waited by the door. When Asami knocked, Korra pulled it open almost instantly.

"Asami what's-" Asami pulled Korra into a tight desperate hug, "wrong?" Korra rubbed her hands up and down Asami's back, occasionally kissing her softly on the neck or cheek. Gradually the tension in Asami's body eased and she pulled back enough to look Korra in the eye.

"Sorry," she murmured.

Korra kissed her forehead. "Don't be sorry. I like seeing you, you know? I just wish you weren't so upset."

Asami sighed and nuzzled against Korra's cheek. "I have had the worst damn day."

Korra pulled her inside and shut the door. "Go sit down on the couch, can I get you anything? Water? Tea? Beer?"

"Actually a beer sounds great right about now." Asami kicked off her shoes and sighed happily.

Korra walked to the kitchen, grabbed two beers, untwisted the caps and brought them to Asami in the living room.

"Here," Korra said. She sat down next to Asami and waited as Asami took a slow pull from her drink. After a moment she spoke.

"Remember when I told you we were working on a new engine type?"

"More efficient with fuel, right?"

"Right. I was taking a tour of one of the new plants that will be making the engines. I always like to be very visible to the workers, and I like to make sure things are done they way I want them done." She paused and took a sip from her drink. "John is the head of the entire plant, he's a great guy he's been with the company for years. Recently him and his boyfriend decided to get married. I guess he'd mentioned it, or people overheard, because one of the managers was going on and on about how the company shouldn't hire those kinds of people, that it was disgusting, and how could they expect a 'nancy boy' to keep the factory workers in line." Asami's eyes were dark with anger.

Korra placed a hand on your shoulder. "Wow, that sucks." She wished she could say something more helpful, but she got the feeling Asami just wanted to talk it out.

"I took the man aside and asked him if he thought that working for someone who was gay would affect his work performance. He said yes, said that he wanted to be moved to a place where he wasn't working for some 'fag.' I told him, 'That is impossible. I'm afraid we just don't have a job that is suitable for your delicate composure. Even if I were to move you from this plant, you would always be working under someone in a homosexual relationship, seeing as I own the company.'" She laughed softly. "God you should have seen his face. He resigned shortly after I asked if he'd like to speak with human resources about the incident."

Korra took Asami's hand. "That's rough," she said.

Asami sighed and leaned back into the couch further. "I've had to deal with worse." She shrugged. "He could have apologized and stuck with the company, but I think I scared him when he realized he just blatantly insulted the CEO."

"Are you okay with this? Coming out like that I mean? Bolin found out on accident and Mako practically guessed. I don't want you to feel like I'm pushing you. I know you've got this big company and shareholders and-" Asami cut her off with a gentle kiss.

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