Chapter 21

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Korra stared out the car window, trying to decide where Asami was taking them. She had assured Korra that their date would not be interrupted. Everything had been taken care of, according to Asami.

She glanced at Korra while they drove out of the city. "Hey, just relax."

Korra tried not to pout. "You're really not going to tell me where we're going?" After spending a week without Asami to come home to, going out for the weekend had not been on the top of her list to begin with. She could only hope Asami took her to a secret condo getaway or something.

Asami chuckled. "No."

"Or why exactly you brought along wet suits?" She nodded toward the trunk, where Asami had packed an odd assortment of items along with the cold water suits.

"No." Asami placed a hand on Korra's thigh. "Just let me do something nice for you."

Korra covered Asami's hand with her own. "I'm sorry, I've just been really tense lately."

"I know, which is exactly why we deserve to have a nice day out." Asami turned her attention back to the road. "We're almost there."

Korra raised a brow and looked back out on the road. She had no idea where there could be. A few minutes later, she saw a sign indicating the turn-off for a sealife center was approaching. Asami took it and Korra glanced at her. "An aquarium?" she asked.

Asami smiled. "Better. It's a marine sanctuary that Future Industries donates to regularly. They are closed today to set up some of the new habitats, and I asked them if we could come by and just...hang out."

"We're seriously going to have this whole aquarium to ourselves all day?" Korra stared at the large building looming in the distance. The ocean lay on the horizon. She smiled at Asami. "Did I ever mention what a wonderful girlfriend you are?"

Asami shrugged. "I'm getting pretty used to hearing it." She flashed a smile at Korra. "I'm still not telling you what the wetsuits are for."

"Like you need to tell me. I bet ten dollars I'm swimming with dolphins."

Asami arched a brow at her. "Care to bet anything a little more interesting?" They pulled into a mostly empty parking lot and Asami stopped the car. She leaned over and kissed Korra on the cheek, then moved down to her neck. Korra shuddered.

"Um...I'm pretty sure I'm going to lose, now that I think about it," Korra muttered. She turned and tried to capture Asami's lips, but she pulled away.

"And would that be so bad?" Asami asked. When Korra could not find her voice to answer, Asami laughed and leaned in close, kissing her softly on the lips. Then, she unbuckled and climbed out of the car, while Korra fumbled to undo her own seat belt Asami pulled the duffle bags with the wet suits out of the car.

"I wouldn't want to distract you and ruin your surprise." Korra followed Asami to the sea life center. Instead of taking the front door, they made their way around the side. Asami pulled out her phone and sent a text. A few moments later, the door swung open.

An employee greeted them with a smile. "Ms. Sato! Right on time, come inside." He stepped aside to allow them through. They entered the building and Korra looked around, seeing tarps over several of the displays. "Pardon the mess. We're resetting some of our exhibits today."

Korra looped an arm around Asami and leaned in close. "I'm so excited," she whispered.

Asami chuckled and gave Korra a warm smile. They were led through another side door.

"You two can get changed in here." he gestured to the door to the right.

"Thanks!" Asami pulled Korra into the changing room.

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