Chapter 16

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Korra gazed out of the window of the car. It snowed over night and the landscape could not have been more perfect. Asami's squeezed Korra's hand and smiled.

"It's so beautiful!"

Korra pulled Asami closer to her and kissed her cheek. "I'm glad you like it. I really wanted to share this with you."

"So when are you going to tell me what's under the tarp on the trailer?" Asami asked, nodding back at the hitched trailer her parents' jeep pulled.

Korra grinned. "It's a surprise. I promise you'll like it."

"Fine." Asami snuggled closer to her and Korra blushed. She saw her mom staring at them through the rear view mirror.

"You two are so cute," she said.

Korra felt her face get hotter. "Mom," she groaned.

Asami laughed and snuggled closer to her. "So why don't you tell me more about this town we're going to."

Korra laughed. "I wouldn't necessarily call Talkeetna a town. It's more of a tourist trap and retreat for the rest of Alaska. I mean, the locals are great, but they're few and far between."

"Their main source of income definitely is tourism," added Tonraq. "If someone living out here doesn't run one of the shops, then they probably fly up to the North Slope for work."

Asami glanced out the window again. The evergreens were laden with at least a foot of fresh snowfall. "So your family comes out here regularly?"

"Mostly for special occasions," said Tonraq. "I have a friend who comes over to the cabin and checks up on it regularly."

"We'll have to work fast when we get there," Korra teased. "I'll get an ax and fell the closest tree. Then, you and my mom can work on drying the wood so my dad can build a fire before we freeze to death."

Asami raised a brow at her. "Is this the part where you tell me that my job is to pack the snow into blocks for the igloo?"

Korra laughed. "Well we have to have somewhere to cure the seal jerky after I go hunting on the back of a polar bear."

Asami playfully slapped Korra's shoulder. "Seriously, what are we doing when we get there?"

Korra grinned. "Normally I'd help my mom and Katara cook, but they're letting me off the hook this year so I can show you around."

"Show me around? Like around town?"

"Something like that." Korra pointed out the window. "Look, we're passing downtown."

Asami glanced out the window at the gas station and bear statue adorned with lingerie. "This explains so much," she said.

"You don't like how we decorate our statues?" Korra asked. Instead of responding, Asami sighed and leaned into her again. They drove for a few more minutes before turning off the main road and driving up a barely cleared path into the woods. Korra grinned as the cabin came into view. As much as she loved the city, she had missed home.

They parked and got out of the car. The front door to the cabin opened and Katara waved at them. Korra waved back. "Hey there!" she called. "Asami, let me introduce you to someone really quick." She grabbed Asami's hand and pulled her toward the front deck.

"It's so good to see you again, Korra," Katara said. The old woman smiled and took a step forward. "And who is this young woman?"

Korra felt her blush return. "Katara, this is my girlfriend, Asami. She stepped aside so they could greet one another properly. "Asami, this is Katara. You actually know her son, Tenzin."

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