Chapter 7

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Korra lay on her back, staring up at the ceiling of her empty bedroom, trying to think of anything other than Asami. At first, she had slumped into bed and closed her eyes, thinking sleep would come easily. But her mind kept replaying the date for her, especially the kiss. She could not stop thinking about that kiss. She ached just from the memory of Asami's touch.

Just when Korra was considering taking care of the problem, her phone went off. She rolled over to grab it off her nightstand, fumbling and nearly dropping it as she tried to view the text.

Are you awake? It was from Asami.

Yeah, can't sleep, she replied.

Mind if I call you?

Instead of answering, Korra called. Asami picked up immediately. "Missed me, huh?" she asked, trying to sound confident.

"That's one way to put it." Asami's low purr made her shiver. "What's keeping you awake?"

Korra sighed and leaned back against her pillow, one hand behind her head. She already felt less tense. "You see, I went out with this really hot girl tonight. I can't stop thinking about her."

Asami chuckled in a way that made Korra smile. "That's quite a coincidence. I seem to be having the same problem."

"Really?" she asked. Out of all the things keeping her up, the worst had been a nagging fear that Asami had not enjoyed their evening as much as her.

"Were you worried?"

"Maybe a little. I mean, when you kissed me I nearly had a heart attack." It had nearly undone her.

"Korra, you know I feel that way too, right? God, when you had your hands on me..."

"You weren't the one being straddled. Having you on top of me like that...all I wanted to do was feel you against me." A high, breathy moan interrupted her. "Asami?"

"Jesus Korra, you're not helping." Asami's voice sounded broken and husky. It made Korra's heart hammer.

"Um...sorry?" Silence answered her. Oh God, did I say something wrong? "Asami, you still there?"

Hesitantly, Asami answered, "Y-Yes..."

She heard a small gasp and the rustling of sheets. She's touching herself. She's touching herself and I have no idea what the fuck I should do. "...Asami, what are you doing?"

"Nothing?" she answered hesitantly again. Korra could almost hear her blushing.

She took a breath to calm herself. She's touching herself because of me, because of what I'm saying. Korra grinned. She could do this. Talking was her specialty, after all. "Now, why don't I believe you?" she asked, settling her voice into a low hum.

"I'm sorry...I'll stop–"

"No, I don't want you to stop." Korra almost slipped out of her role, but held onto her confidence. "I like hearing you. I know you're thinking about my hands on you, about how good it felt."

"Korra..." she gasped.

The sound encouraged her. "I wanted my mouth there, kissing along your stomach, up to your breasts. I'd want to take my time with you. I want to learn every inch of your gorgeous body." Her face flushed as she talked. She could hear Asami's whimpers and sighs and it made her pulse with want.

"Do you have any idea how sexy your voice is? Damn radio host."

The frustration in Asami's voice made her laugh softly. She trailed a hand down her own body. "You like my voice? You like listening to me?"

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