Chapter 8

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Korra rang the doorbell and waited on the porch. She absently rocked back and forth on her heels as she tried to determine the best way to greet Asami. Should I kiss her? Hug her? Just say hi? Before she had a chance to mull it over too much the door swung open and Asami grabbed Korra's hand, pulling her inside. Korra didn't even have a chance to say hello before she found herself pressed up against the now closed door with Asami kissing her. She moaned softly, her surprise quickly giving way to pleasure. Asami pulled back enough to talk, but still remained in Korra's arms.

"Hi," Asami murmured.

"Hi yourself."

"I'm sorry, I've been thinking about doing that all day."

Korra chuckled. "Don't apologize for a kiss like that." She gently caressed Asami's cheek. "I missed you too." Korra leaned forward kissing Asami again, this time slowly, tenderly. Reluctantly, she pulled away. "Now, before we get carried away, you promised there would be food."

Asami laughed. "I know. Actually, I thought you might be the delivery guy. He should be here any moment."

"If that's how you greet the delivery guy, I think I might be a bit jealous." Korra grinned. "What are we having?"

"Well, you're having a number 13, mild, and extra dumplings. I am having the number 7." Asami took Korra's hand and led her to the living room.

"How did you know what to order for me?"

Asami laughed. "Please, you get the same thing every time. Like I don't know your order." She turned in time to see the grin Korra felt spreading across her lips.

"What's that look for?" Asami asked.

"I think it's kind of sweet you know my order." Korra toyed with Asami's hand, tracing her fingers lightly.

"I look forward to learning all about you." Asami flashed her a seductive smile and Korra's breath hitched.

The doorbell rang, interrupting them. Asami pointed to the DVD rack. "Pick something out to watch, I'll be back with the food."

Korra nodded and watched her retreat. The sway of Asami's hips was mesmerizing, to say the least. She swallowed a groan and looked back to the DVDs. "Don't pick something sexy," she whispered. "Pick a kids movie. Pick an action movie." It did not help that Asami primarily owned romances, both with straight and gay couples. Finally, she settled on a superhero movie, one that didn't have a strong romantic subplot.

Asami came back carrying the take-out bags. Korra raised the movie up and asked, "Is this all right?"

Asami nodded and dropped the food on the coffee table. "Let me get the system set up."

Korra sat back on the couch and dug her food from the paper bag. She watched Asami bend over and turn on the various instruments associated with her home theater system. "You're doing that on purpose," she said.

Asami tossed a glance over her shoulder. "I have no idea what you're talking about." Slowly, she straightened and joined Korra on the couch. She placed a hand on Korra's thigh for a brief moment, smiling. "You ready?" she asked.

"Um...yes?" Korra tried to ignore the flush spreading across her face. Thankfully, Asami removed her hand. Korra turned her focus back to her food and Asami laughed softly.

"I guess it would be best to eat before we get too distracted," Asami said. She started the movie and dug her own meal from the bag. They ate in silence as the movie began, and after Korra finished her meal she set the remnants on the coffee table and relaxed into the couch. Asami set her meal aside not long after.

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