Chapter 20

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Korra accepted another caller and crossed her arms on the desk, leaning forward. "Conflict Resolution, you're on the air," she said.

"Hello, yes. I'd like to ask you something about yourself, if that's all right, Korra." The man on the other end of the line sounded friendly enough, though his tone had an air of professionalism, as if he were conducting an interview rather than calling for advice. The question itself was odd, as well.

Korra cleared her throat. "Well, that depends on the question, I guess. There are some things I'm more than happy to share about myself, and other things I prefer to keep personal, if you can understand that."

"Of course," the caller said dismissively. "I was wondering if you could say how long you knew Asami before you two started dating?"

Korra frowned, the question didn't sit right with her but she couldn't think of a reason not to answer them. "Asami and I met in college and have been friends ever since. We've only started dating recently. Is there a friend in your life that you were looking to ask out?" Korra prodded.

"So is it just a causal fling or are you two serious?" the man pressed.

Korra silently counted to three. "I know it can be difficult to talk about problems that you might be having, and I know that sometimes it can help to gain confidence from someone who has gone through similar things. Because of that, I'm going to answer your question, not because I believe you called in to ask me anything for personal reasons, but because there are others out there listening to this show. It was a little scary at first, admitting that I had feelings for my best friend, and then starting to date again. It's worth it though; what Asami and I have is something wonderful, and it's worth pushing past those insecurities. So, for those of you out there who actually are dealing with something similar to this, don't let fear paralyze you." Korra paused and smiled to herself. "There may be people out there who are not supportive, there may be people out there who openly disagree with you, or your choices. Ultimately, you are the one who lives with those choices, don't let nay-sayers compromise you."

"Uh-huh. And-"

"Look, I know you're not calling because you honestly have some vested interest in me helping you. You're calling to get at my girlfriend. So I'm going to hang up and accept a call from someone who wants to have a meaningful conversation." She ended the call before he could get a word in and she accepted the next person queued in line. "Conflict Resolution, you're on the air."

When she came home, Asami waited for her in the living room. She stood up and greeted Korra as soon as she walked in. "I can't believe those people," she said, pulling Korra into a hug. "Doesn't the station screen calls?"

Korra returned the hug, burying her face in the crook of Asami's neck. "He could have lied to whoever answered the phone," she mumbled.

"I know, I just..." Asami sighed and pulled back from the embrace. "I can handle them pestering me. What gets me angry is when they go after you. They have no right."

"But they're going to," said Korra, picking up Asami's hands and holding them between her own. "I can take it. I walk past those reporters every morning without punching a single one."

Asami chuckled and cupped her cheek. "And I'm very proud of you for that." She leaned forward and kissed Korra on the forehead. "But I worry about you. I've had to deal with this sort of thing before. I don't know how much experience you've had with fielding bad press."

"I'll manage," said Korra. She leaned up to kiss Asami's lips. "As long as I've got you."

Asami smiled down at her, but the grin did not stretch to the corners of her mouth. "About that." She took Korra's hand and led them over to the couch where they sat down together. "I think it might be a good idea if you don't stay over here for a while, at least until the media attention calms down a bit."

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