Chapter 17

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They took the snow machine back to the cabin as soon as they started losing light. The last thing Korra needed was to get lost in the woods after showing off. Asami held on tightly the entire ride back, but as they approached the cabin, Korra groaned at the sight of a familiar car parked beside her parents'.

"What is it?" asked Asami. They pulled over and Korra cut the engine.

"Nothing. It just looks like the rest of the family is here."

Asami got off the machine and handed Korra her helmet. "Is that a good or bad thing?" she asked.

Korra stowed the helmets and dragged a tarp from the trailer, securing it over the snow machine. "We'll see when we go inside, I guess." She hesitated, glancing between the front door and Asami. " prepared for some weird comments."

Asami laughed and ran a hand through her hair. "Korra, I'm sure your family is delightful, or at the very least, tolerable."

With a shrug, Korra gestured toward the cabin door. "I'll let you be the judge of that."

The inside of the cabin smelled heavenly. "We're back!" Korra called, stomping her feet against the entryway rug to remove the excess snow. She kicked her boots aside and waited for Asami to finish. "Hello?" They walked into the living room. Her cousins, Eska and Desna, sat on the couch watching television. "Hey guys." Korra waved at them, but they ignored her. "Did you have a save drive down from Fairbanks?"

Desna shrugged. Eska said, "It was uneventful." They both turned and glanced at Korra and Asami. "I see you have indeed acquired a mate. Aunt Senna wouldn't stop talking about you two."

Korra blushed and turned to leave. Asami laughed, though it sounded awkward. "Yes, "I'm Asami Sato. It's a pleasure to meet you guys."

Korra cleared her throat. "Um, yeah. Asami, these are my cousins, Eska and Desna." The twins nodded at her then turned their attention back to the television.

"It was nice meeting you," said Desna half-heartedly. "Now, if you'll excuse us, we want to catch up on our shows. Dad won't pay for cable anymore."

Korra cringed at the mention of her uncle. "That sucks. Is he around?"

"With the other boring adults," said Eska. "He's looking forward to meeting you, Asami."

"Great. Thanks." Korra took Asami's hand and dragged her out of the living room. "See what I mean?" she asked once they were out of earshot.

Asami shrugged. "They seemed like normal, grumpy teenagers to me."

Korra sighed and leaned against the hallway wall. "Yeah, I guess so. I just feel like their uncle does more harm than good for them. He's...strict."

"They do sort of sound a little oppressed. Or do they always speak in a monotone?" Asami smiled and leaned over to kiss Korra's cheek. "Would you stop worrying? I don't care how weird your extended family is. I'm thrilled to be here sharing Christmas with them. You know why?"

Korra studied the floor and shoved her hands in her pockets. She did not want to be so bashful. She just had a sinking feeling that Unalaq would ruin everything with some snide comment. "Why?"

Asami placed a hand on her chin and tilted her gaze up to meet her own. "Because I'm spending Christmas with you, my love, and that's all that matters to me."

"I'm sorry I don't mean to be so down its just –"

"Well, well, I was wondering when you two would wander back in." Unalaq gave them both a smile that didn't quite seem genuine. "Senna is very excited our little Korra Bear has brought...someone special."

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