Chapter 11

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Korra blinked slowly, trying to focus enough to determine what was tickling her nose. The offender took shape in the form of Asami's hair, and Korra smiled, remembering their night together. Asami had curled herself against Korra's side, her head in the crook of Korra's arm, and her hair was now splayed across Korra's face. She reached over and gently tucked Asami's hair behind her ear, revealing her sleeping face. Warmth spread through Korra's body. Pride, joy, fierce tenderness, and something else, something she didn't dare name, swelled in her heart.

Asami stirred, making the cutest sounds that Korra had ever heard. Green eyes peered up at her, and Korra leaned forward, kissing her forehead.

"Good morning," she said.

"Indeed it is." Asami trailed her hand lightly across Korra's still naked body.

"Careful now." Korra caught Asami's hand and kissed it. "I wanted to talk with you before you get too carried away."

"Is everything okay?"

"We didn't really talk last night, we just kind of passed out. I want to make sure everything was all right. How are you feeling about this?"

"Korra, last night was amazing. I wanted that so badly. I wanted you so badly." Asami cupped her cheek. "Are you okay, you know, with everything?"

Korra laughed. "If I can convince myself that I didn't dream it all, I'll be great."

"Does this feel like a dream?" Asami leaned up and kissed Korra gently. Korra wrapped her arms around Asami and pulled her on top of her. It felt so good to have Asami's warm skin against her own. She ran her hands down Asami's back, hesitating before allowing her palm to slide over Asami's ass. The new level of intimacy was something she still needed to get used to.

"No, it doesn't," Korra murmured. Asami shifted so that she was straddling her. "How do I always end up pinned under you?"

"Just a happy coincidence?" Asami suggested. Korra sat up and wrapped her arms around Asami's waist. She smiled up at her girlfriend and kissed her gently. Korra pulled back enough to grin.

"What are you smiling about?" Asami asked.

"Remember when we were at your house and you said you wanted to join me in the shower?"

"Yes," Asami said slowly.

"I never got to take one last night and I doubt you did either." Korra's grin broadened into a smile.

"Well, it's economical really, we're saving water if we shower together." Asami returned the smile. Korra tightened her grip and swung her legs over the side of the bed, standing up and picking Asami up with her. Asami gasped and held on tightly as Korra carried her into the bathroom. Korra let Asami disentangle herself and turned on the water.

"I forget how strong you are sometimes," Asami murmured. Korra turned in time to see Asami's appreciative gaze traveling over her body. Korra blushed. Asami laughed softly. "You can not possibly be embarrassed after everything we did last night."

"You didn't see me properly last night," Korra protested softly.

"You're right." Asami stepped forward, her fingers brushed over the toned muscles of Korra's stomach, and Korra shuddered. "But I'm looking now, and I love what I see."

Before Korra could reply, Asami pulled her into the shower. Their lips met in a slow, deep kiss. Korra groaned and pressed Asami against the shower wall. Her hands moved down Asami's stomach. She slipped a hand under her thigh and pulled up, hooking Asami's leg around her hip. She brought her hand between Asami's legs and pressed two fingers into her wetness. Korra broke their kiss to groan as she trailed her fingers over Asami's swollen clit. "Fuck, you're so wet already."

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