Chapter 12

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Korra had never visited a prison before. The large, cement building made her nervous. She stared at the guarded entryway and glanced back at Asami. "Are you sure you want me along?" she asked.

Asami nodded and took her hand. "As long as you want to come," she said. "I don't want this to be something I force you into doing."

"No, you're not forcing me." Korra glanced back at the entrance. A line of visitors waited for clearance to get in. "It's just a little weird, this place."

"At least it's not a maximum security prison. Those are the scary ones," Asami teased.

"Not funny." The line shuffled forward. "They're not going to make us leave behind our possessions, are they?"

"As long as you aren't smuggling a weapon in." Asami readjusted the tote strap on her shoulder. "I bring games in to play with my dad all the time. It's... the only way we stay close, really." A silence lulled between them for a few moments. They drew closer to the entrance. "Do you know why he's locked up?"

Korra shrugged. "You never told me, so no."

"Fraud." Asami sighed and handed over her tote bag to an officer for inspection. "He did some shady things in the business world, including some inside trading and defamation of character concerning his competitors. The worst part is Future Industries wasn't even in trouble. He just did it...because he thought he could get away with it." The defeated tone in Asami's voice made Korra furrow her brow. They stepped through security finally, collecting their belongings.

"Are you okay?" Korra asked.

"I'm fine. It just frustrates me every now and then." Asami nodded down the hall. "The visitor's room is this way."

Korra followed her down a bleak hallway. The air smelled sterile. The whole prison felt eerily quiet, though it would be no quieter than any other federal building.

When they finally entered the visitor room, Asami led Korra over to her father. Hiroshi Sato smiled at his daughter, but his complexion was gaunt, his hair grey, bordering on white. He stood up and hugged Asami, then turned his attention to Korra and raised a brow. "It isn't every day I have the pleasure of entertaining two lovely ladies."

Asami shook her head and smiled. "Dad..."

"I know sweetheart, I'll try not to embarrass you in front of your...friend?" He glanced at Asami searching for some kind of confirmation.

"Dad, this is Korra Baker, my girlfriend."

"Girlfriend as in a friend who is female or-"

"We've been dating for almost two months now," Asami clarified. Korra tried to read his reaction, but he kept a neutral expression.

"It's nice to meet you Mr. Sato, though I wish it were different circumstances." Korra held out her hand. Hiroshi shook it firmly.

"Korra Baker...the radio host?" he asked. "Of the show Conflict Resolution?"

Korra felt her cheeks heat up. "Yeah, that's me." She felt Asami give her hand a reassuring squeeze.

"I listen to your show sometimes. Radio time is a valued privilege in here." Somehow, Korra knew he meant it as a joke, but no one laughed.

Asami cleared her throat. "We brought games. I have some cards, Chinese checkers, and dominos." She set the bag on the table. "What would you like to play?"

Hiroshi took a seat and gestured for them to do the same. "Oh, set up the checkers. That's fun with more people." While Asami pulled the game out and set it up, Hiroshi turned his attention back to Korra. "So, how did you meet my daughter?" he asked. Korra must have looked concerned, because he added, "Don't worry, I'm not going to do the whole fatherly interrogation, I'm just honestly curious."

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