Chapter 19

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"Conflict Resolution, you're on the air." Korra smiled. It felt good to be back in the studio again.

"Um, hi Korra." The voice sounded like a young man, familiar, though Korra could not place where she might know him from.

Korra readjusted herself in her new chair. Naga even had a better seat in the new studio. A large dog bed hand been laid out in a corner for her to curl up on. "What can I help you with tonight?"

"I'm a senior in high school, and my girlfriend and I have been going out for a few months now. I'm really serious about her, but we graduate in the spring, and she's applying to all of these out of state colleges. I guess I just don't know what to do. I mean I don't want to ask her to stay here and go to community college with me; I want her to be in the best programs for her degree. I can't afford to go to the out of state schools, even with scholarships. I just worry that it'll break us up before we really have a chance to be together."

Korra felt a smile tugging at her lips. She had received more calls from a wider audience since receiving her new time slot, and the new teenage audience often proved to be a source of either endearment or frustration. "That can be really scary," Korra said. "I'm guessing you haven't really talked with her about all of this?"

"No, I don't want her to think I can't handle this."

"Well, first of all, you have no guarantee that she is going to school out of state. I mean, I applied to all sorts of places when I went to college. So as of right now, you're doing a whole lot of worrying and you aren't even sure you should be. Second of all, it's important that you do talk to her about this. I know it's hard because you don't want to seem like you're being clingy or unsupportive. At the same time, if long distance is something you don't want to do, or feel like you can't do, she needs to know that. Honesty is important if you want to make this relationship work."

"I know, I just..." The caller sighed on their end of the phone. "It's scary, you know?"

"Oh trust me, I do." Korra leaned back in her chair and guided the microphone with her. "I can't tell you how many scary conversations I've had with my girlfriend. But you know what? I'm glad I had all of them. We discovered so much about ourselves and our relationship is stronger for it." Korra waited a moment for the caller to say something. When the other end remained silent, she added, "So, here's a question. Do you think keeping these concerns quiet will help?"

"No," said the young man. He sounded weary.

"Would you like me to help you draft some ways to approach the conversation? It might help if you have some ideas about what to say beforehand."

"You'd do that? You don't have to take other callers?"

Korra grinned. "Well, I have a few minutes. Let's see what we can come up with."

Korra pulled open the door to Asami's home and was assailed by vigorous classical music. Naga nudged her hand and she let the dog off her leash. Not seeing Asami anywhere, Korra frowned and followed the sound to Asami's gym. She glanced inside to see Asami rapidly attacking a wooden training dummy. She walked in and set down her bag on a nearby bench. "Asami?" she asked, but the crash of violins and brass drowned out her voice.

She walked over to the corner of the gym with the sound system and glanced at the record player. A vinyl recording of "The Planets: Mars, Opus 32" spun on the table. She turned down the volume, the percussion suddenly replaced with the smacking sound of Asami's wild punches. "Asami?" she called again, turning to watch her girlfriend continue to attack the training dummy. She gave it one more solid punch before stopping and turning to Korra. She wiped a hand over her sweat-streaked forehead.

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