Chapter 14

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Korra had hardly closed the door before Asami had her pushed up against it. Asami pressed against her mouth to Korra's neck while her hands undid the buttons on Korra's vest. Asami bit down on her collarbone and she groaned.

"God Asami," Asami kissed her in response, backing her up towards the bedroom. When they made it inside her room she kicked the door shut. Asami's hands went to her shirt and she tugged forcefully. Korra's eyes widened as Asami ripped through the buttons on her shirt, sending them scattering across her floor. Asami gave her a light shove and Korra fell back on the bed.

Asami stood there for a moment, staring with a longing gaze. She reached behind her back, unzipping her dress and letting it fall to the floor. Korra was unable to form words as Asami sauntered towards her in nothing but lingerie. She knelt between Korra's legs and traced a hand up her thigh.

"I told you I was going to make it worth your while, remember?" Her hands found the button on Korra's pants and she undid them, pulling them down. Korra shrugged out of her now ruined shirt. She gasped as Asami raked her nails down her exposed chest.

"Don't you want me out of my underwear?" Korra managed to ask.

"Yes." She reached behind Korra and quickly undid her bra, pulling it away. She lowered her lips to Korra's breast and Korra arched into the touch.

"God when I saw you in the car, I wanted to take you right there," Asami murmured. Her hands slid down Korra's body and removed her underwear.

"Asami, fuck..." Korra moaned as Asami began to kiss her way down her body.

"It was so hard to focus with you sitting there, watching me give that speech." She kissed along Korra's thigh. Korra gasped as Asami's lips finally reached their destination. She threaded her fingers through her hair and rolled her hips against Asami's tongue. She had been wound up all evening and knew she wasn't going to last long. Just when she was about to come, Asami slowed her movements, keeping her at the edge.

"Don't tease me, Asami, please," Korra whimpered. Asami moaned softly and continued working her tongue against Korra's clit. This time Asami relented, continuing until Korra cried out her name with release. As Korra lay there panting, Asami stripped out of her lingerie.

"Asami," Korra murmured. She held her hand out and Asami moved to her side.

"Don't tell me you're done already?" Asami asked. She trailed her fingers down Korra's body.

"No, I just want to touch you. Lie down for me?" Korra asked. Asami smiled and reclined against the bed. Korra propped herself up on one arm and let her free hand travel over Asami's body. She adjusted so that she lay partially on top of Asami. Korra leaned down to her ear. "You asked me earlier what I was thinking about." Asami gasped when Korra's hand circled her nipple. Korra kissed just under her ear and worked her way down. "I saw you up there, and saw how passionate and beautiful you are. You make me so happy Asami, and I–" Korra cupped Asami's cheek. She stared into her eyes for a moment until she found the courage to speak again. "I love you."

Asami's eyes widened and for a terrifying second Korra thought she had screwed up. Asami leaned up and kissed her deeply. When they pulled apart there were tears in Asami's eyes. "I love you too."

A smile tugged at Korra's lips. "Really?" she asked.

Asami nodded and pulled her in for a kiss. "Of course. I love you so much."

Tears welled in her eyes. Korra blinked them away and kissed Asami again. "I'm so happy," she whispered, then drew Asami against her once more. Their lips met gently, the hurried need from before replaced with something deeper. "I want to make love to you." She kissed down along Asami's jaw, drawing a gasp from her.

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