Not a one shot

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I keep hearing a lot of rants about this series.....

About how some of the characters are too much flawed, hated, etc.

I'm not complaining or anything.........

But comment if you like PJO, or HoO.



But here me out.......

If you think Mare was just a teenager from the start with no business with politics and whatnot.....

Not disagreeing, 'cause she is.

But don't you think that the demigods are too? Hunted down by monsters much younger than the characters of RQ.

Not finished though if it didn't get to you.

Are you a Percy Jackson fan but hate Cal?

Ok if ya don't, ignore this.

They're both noble to a fault, too loyal and willing to risk their lives to save somebody else's skin.

Feel pity for Nico but annoyed at Mare?

Ok if ya don't, ignore this.

They both feel like the outcast within the family, and haunted by memories of their dead siblings.

Ok, I know that Mare is self-centered, but aren't we all are at some point?

Hate Maven but you kind of understand Luke?

You know the drill.

They both feel abandoned by their fathers, and their mothers are a bit psychotic. They had good souls, but bad intentions.

Ok, I'm done. Do you have anything that compares?

I know they're different series, but still.

Congratulations for scrolling down to the very bottom.

 This the guest writer typing, and I'll update if it pleases you.

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