"Why him?"

469 4 2

Post Broken Throne


"Jeez, Cori, it's just a guy." Shade had a wrench in his hand and was contemplating whether or not to use it to shut up his sister.

"It's not just a guy, this is most likely the guy."

"At seventeen years of age. Can't you wait until you move out of our parents' house?"

"Didn't Mom meet Dad at my age?"

"This is different. You're not leading a whole kingdom to it's downfall, and I doubt this boy can do much more than ride a cycle into a tree."

"You were talking with him weren't you?"

"Hmm. Give me a sec to give Dad this wrench, and I'll give you the reasons to not date this guy." Before she could protest, Shade was already taking the stairs to the basement.

As he reached the last step, Shade heard his father cursing at the wires. "Umm, here's the wrench. I would've been here earlier if not for hitting Cori."

Cal stopped abruptly. "You hit her?!? How many times do I have to keep telling the both of you about respect—"

To spare himself from a ten-minute lecture, he interrupts. "Two hours before he picks her up and she's tearing the house apart for her hairbrush. And just for one guy that—"

"You didn't tell her, did you?"

"No, Dad. We don't need her to worry." Shade was very aware of the fact that this boy was the son of her—no, their kidnapper, and he was told to keep a close eye on his sister in case something went wrong with her "date".

As Shade made his way up the stairs, he thought of all the boys that flung themselves at Cori. Of all the boys better looking than me, and it just has to be him. Of course, he had his fair share of girls swooning over his jawline and curly dark hair, but he figured that ever since he and his sister renounced the throne, everyone had been flocking the both of them. For what? Money? They had none from the outcome. Status? Bragging rights for landing the most famous newbloods? Most likely.

His thoughts were diverted when he found a brush sticking out of a vase. "Hey! Found your brush, Cori!"

She snatches it out of his hand and starts running it through her wavy locks. "I swear, Shade, if you follow me and constantly ask questions about Haynes, I will burn you."

Good thing I excel in hiding, and the fact that I'm immune to fire.

There, a little more lighthearted.

This is the third writer typing, and have a good day🙂

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