Chapter 1.5

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Tenya starred down at the piece of paper their teacher put him in charged of, glimpsing over the sheet, just to realize that there was more on the paper then what there teacher let out. "Excuse me everyone, but I have an announcement!" He stood up strait, standing in front of the podium stand. "On the sheet Mr. Aizawa gave, there were some answers to some questions you may have." 

"What are you waiting for class rep? Read it!" Kirishima said before the strict boy was barged with questions. He lifted hid glasses higher up his nose. "It says that we will be staying in these buildings until graduation. We will have a curfew, its up until 5am-9pm. And finally, we must try to get along with our roommates because once our stuff is moved in, there is no moving out." Without their overly exhausted teacher there to serve them discipline, the class started talking among themselves with no hesitation. 

"So, your telling me that I have to live with Bakugo for 3 years?!" Ojiro rubbed his temples. "I know you'll make it work!" Ashido shouted while leaning over to pat his back. "Ha, as if. The only one who's not fed up with him would probably be Kirishima." Kaminari shrugged. The tailed boy groaned after hearing the comment. "Greattt..." He mumbled. This wasn't the only conversation traveling around the room; everyone was talking to someone, discussing the new arrangement. But work still had to be done. 

Iida Spoke again form the podium. "Attention 1A! No one has signed this paper, so none of us has given our consent yet. Either we could keep talking, or we could avoid getting in trouble and sign this contract." Our silence showed that we agreed with him and he smirked.

"Okay then, everyone! get in a line and don't forget your number. Sign your name in the space provided." Iida yelled above everyone, continuing to take control of the situation.  One by one we made our way to the front of the room to sign the contract. First was Todoroki, then Momo, then Tsu, then Tokoyami, and so on. Aoyama was in front of me and Ojiro was behind. The last one was Hagakure with Bakugo before her. Aoyama signed his name next to the number 7 on the second line, and then it was my turn. 

'SHOOT! ...what number was I again?' I thought while taking ahold of the black ink pen. 'AH! Thats right! I was number 10!' I smiled and signed my name on the first line next to number 10, then skipped my way back to my seat. 

Ojiro was after me and he looked a little confused, but signed his signature a number above mine. Then Bakugo came, snatched the pen of the wood, and scribbled his name while barely looking at sheet. Last was Hagakure. I saw the pen lift in the air, but it just stood there for a minute. I figured she was trying to find her number like I was, but i didn't think about it too much because in a split second, her name was on the paper. 

"And that's everyone." Iida said as he took the sheet. "I'll put this in the teachers office. You can all go home now." He grabbed his bag and walked out of the room. 

And with that, one by one, we all vanished from the classroom.

Thanks for waiting everyone! Im sorry that this update was a little late, but i'm glad you  still came back to read! I just wanted to inform you about this chapter. You see, because this part is much shorter then i'd like it to be, you will be getting 2 updates today. The next chapter is skipping time, and i figured it would be more convenient to just split it into 2 instead of having 1 big mess. I hope you enjoy~!

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