Chapter Thirteen

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"Hey Deku. I'm sorry about a few minutes ago." I spoke into my phone. "It's no problem, really." He responded, chuckling after. "Anyway, was there something you needed earlier?" I asked as I rolled onto my back. "Oh! I was just calling to see if there was something you would like to do on Saturday. I just didn't want to seem inconsiderate, and I would like you to enjoy yourself just as much as I know I will."

I smiled. He really was a thoughtful person. How could there ever be a time where him and Bakugo were friends?

"Its fine! I'll be happy with whatever we do!" I said, grinning ear to ear. "Are you sure there isn't something specific you'd like to do?" He asked, once more. "Well, maybe we could get some mochi ice cream from that new bakery that opened up last weekend. I've heard their strawberry flavor is amazing and i've been dying to try it!"

"Okay then! Gladly! I cant wait! I'll talk to you later, okay?"

"Sure thing! See you later!" I said, and hung up. It felt good, knowing how considerate Deku was, and I was trying my best to be excited. For instance, picking out my outfit in advance..or, at least attempting to. But...I really wasn't as excited as I always dreamed to be, no matter how much I hyped myself up.

Ever since we met, I've always thought of having the perfect date:
Having a nice stroll on a beautiful morning, and having the rising sun kiss our faces as it wipes away the breeze while we'd enjoy this walk together. Then, we'd get a cup of coffee and/or tea at a nice, quiet coffee shop and laugh about wholesome jokes or discuss life in general. After, we'd go see a romantic movie and shyly hold hands as we shared a tub of popcorn. When the movie'd finish, we'd play some of the arcade games and he'd win me a prize, preferably a stuffed animal that i'd cuddle every night. We would take a stroll, maybe do some window shopping, and find a good place to eat and converse again, learning new things about each other. Then we'd hold hands and walk around until we found ourselves at a park's jungle gym, conveniently in front of a beach. We'd play like children and reminisce about our past, and he'd tell me his childhood stories, laughing as i'd exchange mine as well. And when the sun began to set, we'd walk along the beach, and when centered with the setting sun, he'd take off his sweater and drape it over my shoulders. I'd clutch on and thank him shyly as the wind hit my face, blowing a few strands of hair in front of it, which he'd then take his hand and brush behind my ear. Then, as I looked up, we would slowly lean into each other and have a tender, passionate kiss, just as the sun set, leaving a midnight blue sky. After, we would laugh, get some ice cream and walk back to the dorms, hand in hand. He'd hug me before we parted, and I would fall asleep with a big smile on my face.

Oh, how I dreamed of this day, and I used to squeal every time I just had the thought. And now that it was happening, I..I should be happier.

I sighed as I closed my eyes and slapped my hand over my face. At first, my mind flooded itself with the darkness of my eyelids, but then my mind took control and all of a sudden the thought of an angry blond looking stubbornly cute filled my thoughts. The picture was so cute, I almost didn't want to open my eyes, but when I realized whom exactly I was thinking of, I shot up.

No way.. I didn't just..think of Bakugo..while thinking of my perfect date with Deku...right? That's when it came to me. Mentally, when I replaced the thought of me going with Deku with Bakugo my face flushed red.

'Why?!' I thought as I buried my burning face into my pillow. 'That would be terrible!' But that familiar sacredly excited feeling kept pounding in my chest.

These thoughts were bad and I needed to get rid of them...

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