Chapter Eleven

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Dear Bakugo,

I've watched you from afar for as long as I can remember.
I admire your strength, beauty, and raging temper.

You fight for what you believe, you empower over the weak.
A strong witted man, who refuses to admit defeat.

I love you so much, even if humans aren't your forte
Please accept my feelings, for I wish to be called your bae.

My feelings have arouse from seeing your ambition,
So please meet me and let me confess in person. For it is the right decision.

If you accept, please meet me behind the school after dismissal.

Sent with love,


Who could write such a cheesy letter?!

I cringed as I reread the last stanza. I can't say I'm the best at literature, but ..this is just...

"Eh hm. Uraraka. Do you have something you'd like to share?" Mr. Aizawa said. "N-no sir! My apologies!" I fidgeted, shuffling to hide the letter in my bag. I was so occupied reading, or cringing per say, that I hadn't even noticed the lecture had begun.

I wonder if Bakugo is going to meet that person.. I'm sure he read the letter, and he must be just as curious as I am to see who's been fond of him. If he goes, he might find his true love! Besides, you have to have pretty low standards to fall for a guy like him, not to mention the bravery to actually confess. Maybe he would appreciate a girl with guts..

My stomach knotted itself when I thought about that "perfect picture". Something didn't feel right. It's not like I care who that idiot dates. I have Deku to fall for after all! still felt weird and uncomforting to imagine Bakugo dating anyone else. In fact, it felt weird to picture him dating anyone to begin with! He's not a people's person, I can't see anyone he'd warm up to, well aside from Kirishima.

Soon after, All might came in and we had performed our physical training. We were gathered in groups of four and put up with a different group each round. It was basic training to see how we could cooperate to achieve success, as we may face in an actual battle. Though, after that, we went back to class and finished up that last lesson before we were released.

"Uraraka. Are you ready to go?" Iida said, while gripping the strap of his messenger bag. Deku stood next to him, smiling as usual. "Oh! Um- actually! You guys go on without me today! I have something to take care of first." Deku tilted his head slightly while Iida stared in confusion before dismissing any further questions. "Well, just make sure you get back safely." He said, sternly. "See you later Uraraka! Midoriya waved. I waved back at the two males, and when they left the classroom, I looked to my far left to observe the Kings next move. It's time to see if he'll go to the meeting spot or not.

He stood up while slamming his hands on the desk, making a startling sound. I sweat dropped as I pretended to be packing up my bag, not wanting to draw attention to anyone. From the corner of my eye, I saw him throw his bag over his shoulder and stomp away. He exited through the back door, passing behind my desk as eye contact was avoided. When I heard the door slam, I took that as my chance to leave. The meeting place was behind the school, so all I had to do was take a peek at who it was and leave from there! I could care less about what he says, I'm just..curious!

I quickly grabbed my bag and threw it over my shoulders. I ran out of the classroom and looked back and forth to see if he was still in the hallway, though it had been clear, so I made my way to the stairs. I walked down, thinking of who it could be. 'I wonder if I know this person. I bet it would be really awkward if he rejected someone from our class, though I doubt anyone from our class would like him!' I smirked as I reached the end of the staircase. I made my way to the exit of the building and walked throughout the field, surrounded by the company of trees and bushes. I had taken a long walk around the building, and I was already tired. When I reached the back, I didn't see anyone waiting. I walked closer to the middle, wanting to secure every single place available. While I continued to walk near the familiar, secluded area, I smiled at a sudden thought.

It felt like so long ago. That day I had asked Bakugo to follow me. The first time anyone other then myself had seen my underwear(that I know of). Back then I concluded that what he said was mean, but thinking back to it, his actions saved me from a load of embarrassment.

My heart fluttered, thinking over theses past months. I haven't realized because they were so small, but it wasn't like me and this boy were utter strangers anymore. We were roommates. Roommates who had spent everyday seeing each other. Roommates who had been a pain to one another.  Roommates who dreaded each other. But none the less, we were still roommates. And to be completely honest, I liked it that way.

But my smile faded when I thought of the day that we would no longer be. The day where one of us would have to pack our stuff and go. The day we were replaced by someone else.

I shook my head as I told myself it was stupid. It's our destiny. All we were were mere classmates who just happened to live together. It wouldn't matter if we were separated.

As I though that, a branch breaking was heard from in front of me. It came from a little further down, behind a walled barrier. I tip toed closer, practically begging to see who this person was. My eyes travelled from behind the wall and widened at the sight.

The one who likes Bakugo is....!!

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