Chapter Nine

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Midoriya's POV:

"DEKKUUUU!!" Kacchan screamed from behind me. "Morning kacchan! What's u-" BOOM

The raging blond had set off an explosion. "Ah! K-Kacchan, what was that for?" I asked while holding my hands up in front of my face, to act as a shield of some sort. "Deku.." he grumbled. "Stay the fuck away from round face."

"You mean Uraraka? Why?" I asked, curious, but composed. I wanted to hear his reasons as to why I should stop socializing with my crush. It's none of his business anyway. "Ch'! Just stay away!" He yelled, stepping closer. "Kacchan. I'm not going to deprive myself of a friendship just because you want me to. Especially not if you haven't a reason as to why." His face twitched as his ruby eyes glared their gaze into my own. "You-you like her, don't you? You stupid fucking nerd.." I blinked a few times, adjusting to the situation. "Kacchan..don't tell her as well?" I asked. He jolted his body with a face of disgust. "Hell no!"

"Then why should I stay away from her?"

"Cause I'll make you."

"You can't make me do anything Kacchan! I'm not the same Deku I was before."

"Oh yeah? Wanna bet?"

His eye twitched as he smiled menacingly. An explosion went off from his palm and I took that as my chance to run. I ran around the building with Kacchan on my tail, screaming my nickname along with some other swears that followed, until I reached class. I thought of it as my safe zone as I threw the doors open and ran to my seat. Not even seconds later and Kacchan had already caught up, breathless, and ready to attack.

Everyone stared at him, and I couldn't help but feel a little frightened, but this wasn't anything I wasn't used to. I glanced at Uraraka and saw her roll her eyes. 'Figures, she's tired of this too.' I thought. 'Speaking of, she never did give me a proper answer. Hm.' Mr. Aizawa came behind my childhood friend/bully and scolded him for his usage of his quirk in the school. And then, class begun.

I had already acknowledged Kacchan as my rival, but I didn't expect him to be my rival in love as well. And meaning he's her roommate, I'm at a disadvantage. Having this said, I'll have to act quickly. So, after our everyday average class, I rushed over to my friends desk.


I shouted. She lifted her head off of her desk and looked at me. "Oh! Hey Deku!" She waved. "Hey, um. Would you like to hang out this Saturday? There's this cool new All Might movie that's being released, and it'd be nice it with you!" I fidgeted with my fingers as a blush spread throughout my face.

"Okay! I'd like that." She smiled, and I could have sworn she was blushing, but I was too distracted by my own happiness. "Let's meet at the lobby at 9am." I said. "Sure!"


Uraraka's POV:

'Wow! Deku asked me to hang out with him on Saturday! Wait- isn't that like a date?' I thought while packing up my bag. 'I've been waiting so long for't I be more excited?'

While picking up my bag, I saw the nicely wrapped lunch box. 'It really has been a while since I've eaten lunch.' I smiled at it. The reason for this is Bakugo. 'Hm. I wonder if he'd be willing to make me lunch regularly.' I tapped my chin. 'Eh. Probably not.'

I kind of felt like being alone today. It wasn't like anything happened, I just didn't feel like going to the cafeteria to eat in such a loud, noisy place. I need time to prepare myself mentally for Saturday. I knew a place I could go, but because of safely purposes, it's been closed off and is practically forbidden, but I'm not too scared of taking risks!

I skipped out of the classroom, then started jogging to the end of the hallway and up the long staircase. These specific stairs led to the rooftop, but not many people knew this because of how isolated this specific one was. When I reached the top of the staircase, I saw the door that usually was covered in tape. Whenever I would come here, I'd carefully peal off the tape that covered the door so I could open it, but surprisingly, the tape was already ripped off. I opened the door, and right away, a breeze of fresh air hit my face. I walked onto the roof and looked around at the beautiful scenery, but was a bit shocked when I saw another person in the distance. But this wasn't just any old person.

"Hey Bakugo! Can I sit?" I asked, approaching the boy.

He looked behind his shoulder, surprised. "Tch. I don't care." He replied. I sat down and placed the bento box on my lap. "Thank you for the lunch Bakugo."

No reply.

"So..what are you doing up here?" I asked another question, trying to break the awkward tension. "I came up here for peace and quiet. I guess I really can't get that anywhere." He scoffed.

I laughed awkwardly before unwrapping the cloth from off the box. "Wow Bakugo! This is a lot!" I took the chopsticks and put them between my fingers, then took a tamagoyaki and took a bite. My face glowed up. "MMM! Bakugo! Your so good at cooking! Who knew something so simple could taste so good?!" He looked away as I took one of the onigiri and munched on it with delighted pleasure. I looked over to Bakugo's bento box and, with my lovely chopsticks, I sneakily and quickly grabbed a miniature omurice. "Who the hell gave you permission to eat off of my plate?!" He yelled. "Heheh~" He shook his head. "Why do you even want that? You already have Onigiri."

"It's because I want to try a variety of your cooking! Everything taste so good, so I'd be nice to choose a favorite dish. Maybe I can even learn how to make it too!" I smiled, and the scary part is, he did too. It wasn't big, it was just a small smile he tried to cover up with anger. He took his box and placed it next to me. "Here! Take it!" He said, angry. "W-wait why? This is your lunch." I said, confused. "I'm not hungry." I looked at the two lunch boxes. "But.. isn't this a little too much?" He stood up and turned away from me. "If you can't eat it all now, save it for later. Eat it when you get back to the dorms." He finished.

And then he walked away. He opened the door and closed it behind him, leaving me alone on the rooftop.

I looked down at the black bento box that was previously on my roommates lap and decided to pack it up, knowing I wouldn't be able to finish both of them. When I picked it up, an envelope  was revealed. "What's this?" I said as I picked it up. "A love letter?" I looked at it and it appeared to already have been open.

"Wait...did Bakugo receive a love letter?!"

Sorry for the IzuOcha in this chapter! It wasn't easy to write, so bare with me ;3;

Thank you all for the votes, comments, and even reading this story! I really appreciate the support!

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