Chapter Four

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"This ones my room!" I held my arm out toward the closed door as I spoke to the hot head that sat on the couch with his arms crossed. "And who decided that?" He cocked his head. "Bakugo. Who else? Me!" He scrunched up his face and leaned forward on the couch while piercing his elbows on his knees and allowing the tips of each hands fingers to gently touch. "Well no shit sherlock. But why the hell did you get to pick a room first?" I walked over to the glass coffee table and kneeled below it. "Oh Bakugo, if you came to the house on time instead of training or something, you would have got to pick your room, or better yet, we wouldn't be in this situation." I squinted my eyes and smiled. 

"Here. Have this." I then dug into my pocket and pulled out a green lollipop. Then I reached my arm on the table for him to take. To my surprise, he reached over in response but covered the candy top in his fist, while the stick was in mine, and set it off to explode into ashes. He squinted his eyes closed and smiled, mockingly, and spoke. "Fuck off Round face, or i'll kill you." I starred in shock, then let out a nervous laugh. he stood up and looked down on me. "Fine. I'll sleep in the other room tonight, but tomorrow when you get kicked out, i'm stealing it back." He started walking towards the door before I called his name. "Bakugo! Where are you going? Its almost our curfew."

"Pft. Like I care about curfew. Im going out so don't follow me!" And with that, he slammed the door. 'Stupid Bakugo. Its not my fault if he gets in trouble. I don't care!" 

And so I waited...and waited.......and waited......and waited......and waited. Moving from the floor, to he couch, to the table, to the bathroom, and finally, the kitchen. "Oh man theres no food in this house." I huffed as I searched the fridge to find nothing. 'Its been a while since Bakugo left, shouldn't he be back by now?' I checked the time on my phone. "Damn it, 8:51." I clenched my teeth while my mind hesitated, but my body moved on its own as I rushed out the door. When I arrived to ground Zero, it was completely empty. 'Figured as much. Who wants to sit out in a lobby when you can be decorating your own free house.' 

I ran out of the building and away from the campus to the main streets where I thought I would be able to find my temporary roommate. "Bakugo!! Bakugoo!!" I cuffed my hands over my mouth and screamed. 'Damn it Bakugo, times almost up!' I walked around the street and continued to search but a store filled with tv's in the window distracted me with a news report. 

"Attention all citizens! There have been reports of a suspicious figure walking around touching young innocent girls and attempting to harass and steal their money here in Musutafa, Japan. Be on the look out and stay safe." The news reporter said in a sophisticated tone of voice. I continued walking and shouting his name but no response was given. 

I was starting to lose hope, but: "Bakugoo!!" I screamed and heard some rattling in the dark bushes heading into a woodsy area. "Bakugo! There you are. Why are you over here?" I asked while walking towards the bush. I peered through the leaves but it wasn't the rage ball that was hiding in the bushes, it was a man dressed in black. He jumped out and grabbed my arm. I screamed. Then he hushed me by slapping his had on my mouth to keep me quiet. "Shhhhh. Try and behave yourself and this could be easy." I started to thrash and kick as he held me up with the hand covering my mouth as his other searched my body for valuables. I lifted my hand to my to my mouth, activated my quirk, and touched his hand. I started to run because I thought he was stuck floating until my energy drained and he was released or until I had time to call the police, but to my surprise, he used his quirk which was unfamiliar to me. He used wood from his palms to attach inside of the grass below us and pull himself to the ground. "Oh little miss if only you've listened." He threw a thread of wood at me, but as it was coming close, I used my quirk on my feet and jumped as high as I could, deflecting his attack, then landing on the ground. Great. This just turned into a cat and mouse chase. 'Oh Bakugo, this would be a great time to arrive like the hero and save me like in one of those cliché superhero movies!!' I thought, but Katsuki had yet to arrive. "YOU CANT RUN FOREVER LITTLE MISS!" He screamed as I kept my quirk activated to my feet.

I ran as fast as I could, trying to get back to the main streets so I can be safer, but I was running out of energy and stamina, therefore my quirk was getting weary and I started reaching my limit. He threw more wood but this time aimed at my leg. He hit my left ankle and I winced in pain, but I didn't stop running, unless I wanted to get myself caught. The building lights were soon in view as I ran into a crowed of strangers. I'm pretty sure I lost him, but I ran and hid in a bush by a bridge, and thats when I started feeling pain. "Tskkkkk" I winced in pain and squeezed my ankle. Tears started to form in my eyes as I continued to squeeze and soon I started to cry. (Adrenaline filled my system and thats why I was able to ignore it for the time being before it got any worst.) 

"What the Fuck are you doing here?"

I looked up with with tears filling my vision. "Bakugo.." I mumbled in a sobbing tone. he squatted down and began to talk. "Why are you out here at this this time of night? Why are you hiding? I told you not to follow me." He said, really softly. He looked down at my ankle. Then turned his back to me. "Come on." He shooed his hands as they were held flat behind him. "BakUGOOO!!" I let out as I began to cry at his kindness. "SHUT UP! DONT MAKE ME REGRET THIS!" I quickly grabbed onto his shoulders as he stood up and carried my legs. "Haha. I never thought i'd get a piggy back ride from Katsuki Bakugo." I laughed, riding of my tears. "I swear, if you tell anyone, i'll kill you!" He spat out as he began to walk, then groan. "Your fucking heavy."

"Shut up! I am not!" He huffed. "So why are you here anyway?" He asked, not looking back at all, and leading us back to the campus. I explained to him why I was out, and why he found me hiding behind a bush, but when I finished, he didn't give me a response. We just walked in silence for the rest of the way. He held a bag in his hand so I assumed he went to the store. "Hey. How'd you find me?" I asked, breaking the silence. "I heard some annoying ass crying and thought a civilian needed help. Turns out it was just a pain in my ass." I laughed as I rested my head on his back, deciding to enjoy the ride instead of staying on egg shells. "....Thanks Bakugo."


(Bakugo tended to Uraraka's wounds because she was incapable in doing it herself and started wasting their materials.)

"Hey thats so unfair!" I screamed as I watched him eat dinner. "Its not my fucking fault you didn't buy food while you were out." He shrugged with a mouth full of curry chicken. "Buuutt im sooooo huuunnggrrryyyy!!!! Gimme some of yours!!" I extended my arms over the table in a form of attempting to reach his food. "Hell nah!"

In the end, Bakugo shared some of his curry and rice, but it was spicy when expected to be mild, so poor Uraraka was stuck with a flaming mouth and nothing to cool it down with. 

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