Christmas Special!

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"Fa la lala laa la la la laa~" Ochako sang while hanging up a shiny orange balled ornament onto the tree.

~7 hours earlier~

"Oi. I'm going out." Bakugo said to the girl sitting at the coffee table, holding tea she'd been causally sipping in one hand and holding an opened manga in the other. She looked up to catch his angry expression. It wasn't that there was anything wrong, it was just his normal face. Angry..

"Where are you going?" She asked, placing her things down on the table and standing up. "Out." Was his, rather cold, reply.

"Wait! I'll come with you!" She shouted while running to her room to grab her wallet, keys, phone, etc. "Tch. Like i'm about to wait on you." He turned and started walking to the door. "Bakugooo! Waaiitt!" She yelled, grabbing her things and running out of her room, just to see that the front door was left opened.

With a small huff, she harshly slid her feet into her shoes that awaited for her at the front door and threw on her jacket. With that, she left the apartment and slammed the door, locking it, and running down to catch the elevator. Though, when she reached it, it was closed. 'Yes! Maybe he's still in there!' She thought and pressed the button in a rush. Surprisingly, it came rather fast, meaning it had already dropped him off. She quickly got on and spammed the lowest button, the one for ground zero. Once the elevator door opened again, she was able to see a few people who had been hanging out in the lobby, but because she was in such a rush she didn't even bat an eye at anyone else and ran strait towards the front doors.

The door flew open once her hands touched it and there she was able to see a spiky haired blond standing with his back faced to her and staring up at the sky.

She ran over to him, and finally stopped, placing her hands on her knees and let her head fall down to catch her breath. "Meanie! I *huff* I said to *huff* wait!" She looked up to see him still looking at the sky. Just what was he looking at?! She thought, until she looked out and realized...

It was snowing.

She gasped in excitement. "How pretty!"

He started walking, feeling tired of simply standing there, and she stumbled to catch up. "So where are you going?" She asked again. "Just shut it. Your already following me, you'll find out eventually, so why bother asking?! Hah?" He said harshly. Uraraka just walked quietly for a few seconds before mumbling something amongst the words: "I was just wondering.."

Somewhere deep down in his heart Bakugo found this in some sort cute and he felt kind of guilty. Though, he would never admit this to anyone, hell, he wouldn't even admit this to himself. Theres no way he would feel guilty, his pride wouldn't at all let him. So he just clicked his tongue; partially at her, and mostly to himself.

It wasn't long until the city stores were visible, and soon the pair found themselves window shopping and admiring all the bright lights and trees. Ochakos face looked so widened and pure. She looked so full of excitement and incredible happiness, which wasn't something that Bakugo got to see everyday. But the only downside was she looked cold. No wonder. She was in such a rush that she hadn't even had time to put on a sweater under her coat, so she was left with a t-shirt, and ankle cut sneakers with low socks. And in this weather... how was she not freezing?

With that inner feeling again, Bakugo took off the white scarf that draped around his neck and wrapped it around hers from behind. She was startled and jumped when she felt the warm fabrics hit her face, but she only turned around once his hands were taken off. "What's this?" She asked, while touching the scarf that hid the top of her pink jacket. "Be thankful." He mumbled, then, in slight embarrassment, which, again, he would never admit he felt, took her fur hood and threw it over her head, covering her eyes. Then he began to walk again. She pulled up the hood and jogged to catch back up to him.

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