Chapter Eight

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"Hey Mina!" I waved while jogging over to my pink friend. "Oh hey Uraraka!" She waved back with one hand in the air and jerked her other hand to lay on her lap. She was sitting on the couch with Sero. Though they were awfully close for some reason.

"Wanna walk to school together?" I asked as she's hopped off the couch. "Sure." She then looked at Sero. "You wanna come too?" He shook his head back and forth. "I'm okay. I promised Kirishima I'd wait for him and Kaminari."

"Oh yeah, weren't you assigned to Kirishima? Wait, don't you usually leave with him too? I asked while placing a finger to my chin. "Aha, yeah. But he said he had to do something quickly and I should wait for him outside since he would be a little late. Strange, but I won't pry in his business." He grinned. "Okay then, we'll see you later!" I said, cheerfully as I skipped while holding Mina's arm.

"So, this is a first." She grinned while opening the door. "What do you mean?" I asked, following behind. "Well, aren't you usually late now a days? What happened? Did Bakugo set back your clocks and you just changed them back?" "No! Nothing like that. I just, felt more refreshed this morning!" I sweat dropped. "Speaking of, how is it living with Bakugo?" She nudged her elbow into my side. "'s tiring." I sighed with a smile. "Did he try to pull something on you?"she smirked, devilishly. "What's that supposed to mean-" "OH! There's Jirou!! Sorry Uraraka, I need to discuss some urgent matters! You just let that sink in!" She winked, and with that, she ran to catch up with the raven haired woman.

"Pull..something on me..?" I thought while stopping.

"Uraraka, is that you?"

"Oh! Hey, Iida!" I turned in excitement. Its been a while since I've been able to talk to Iida with private matters and all."How is everything?" He asked while catching up to me. "Pretty good. How's things going for you?" He glanced at the ground for a split second before sophisticatedly looking back up. "Things are fine, I suppose. Have you been keeping up with your studies?" "Of course!"

Small talk continued to go back and forth between us until we reached the school gates and we were in line to swipe into the building. I twisted to my right, searching through my pockets to find my student ID card, then my left. "Huh..that's strange.." I mumbled. "What is?" Iida asked while turning to face me with concern. " I can't seem to find my ID!" I said, anxiously while pulling my bag around to search those pockets. "Maybe you forgotten it at home." He said, worriedly. "I hope not. What do I do?!"

"Just relax. I'm sure there's a way for them to verify your residency at UA, your a registered student after all." Iida reassured me, but we were to close in line, and I had no idea what I'd do! My hands started shaking, sweat started balling up on my forehead. This was the first time I'd ever forgotten my ID. What if I'm looked down on by my peers and teachers?!

"Oiii!" I heard scream from a distance. The sound of heavy panting slowly came closer to me. "Oi! Round face!" Another pant. I looked behind me and saw a sweaty Bakugo with a disoriented uniform, my ID, keys, and and a homemade lunch in his hand. "You forgot this." He said, regaining his breath. My eyes glowed when I saw my precious, small piece of plastic, and without hesitation, I took my ID. " Thank you so much Bakugo!!" I said, cheerfully. He scoffed and looked away. "Your such an idiot. What kind of person leaves there student identification behind?!" I nodded my head with some shame and embarrassment. "Yeah..your right. Sorry to trouble you." I went to turn back around when I felt a hand on my shoulder spin me back.

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