Chapter One

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"Alright everyone, that's all for today. Change up and head back to the classroom. I've got important news to tell you all. "Mr Aizawa said, not looking at anyone in specific. He shoved his hands in his pockets, and walked his way into the building.

*HUFF* *HUFF* I panted. We had partner-training today, focusing on combat and quirk against quirk, and, sadly, I got put up with the worst possible person for this battle: Tenya Iida. One of the worst kind of people I could be paired up with is a speed wielder. This is because My type of style is closed ranged, and to successfully use my quirk, I have to touch my opponent so they fall in my arms and I have some control on the direction of the battle.

Oh! Did i forget to mention, i'm Ochako Uraraka, hero name Uravity. 

During training Iida kept running away and dodging my attacks, and then attacking my blind spots when i was in his range. I was out of breath by then end of it and almost reached my limit, leading me to crash strait onto the floor. my closed my eyes to process my obvious loss. Im weak. I must get stronger. Those words just replayed in my head, and i knew they weren't there just to sound pretty. If i wanted to be a hero, i have to be as strong as possible; for my parents. I opened my eyes to see a tall, raven haired boy standing above me. 

"You did well, Uraraka." Iida said while holding his hand out. I grabbed it, returning the words. "Thanks. So did you." When i was fully up, I dusted off my dirty training uniform and stretched my arms above my head, letting out a sigh when they fell back down. instinctively, I looked behind me before going to class and caught a glimpse of Tsuyu, but, she looked worried and upset. 'Huh' I thought, 'I'll ask about it later.' And with that final thought, me and Iida walked to class.

"Hey, Iida. What do you think Mr. Aizawa has to tell us?" I asked while turning half way and taking the next step as we climbed up the stairs. He hummed while placing a finger on his chin. "Who knows. He might evaluate us, or assign us new seating, or maybe even announce a new type of training." He rambled. 'Is it just me, or does Iida kind of sound like Deku right now?' I silently laughed, distracting him from his thinking-out-loud session. "What? Whats so funny?" he crossed his arms as we stepped in front of the large 1A door and gave me a confused, but stern look. "Oh, nothing." I waved my hand reassuringly and gave him a quick smile then opened the door.

The room was almost full, and Mr. Aizawa looked as impatient as ever. So I hurried to my seat. The rest of the students started to poor in, and soon we were a full class. "Everyone! Take your seats. The lecture is about to begin!" Iida yelled, standing at the front of us. "But, class rep, your the only one standing." Kaminari spoke, reading all of our minds, and speaking for us. He cleared his throat and took his seat as well. This happened often, so it was more of a routine to have someone blurt out those words to the youngest Iida son. 

Mr. Aizawa gave all of us a lazy stare before beginning his speech. "So, as you know, some dangerous safety events have accord recently, and the school decided to take action about this. Using all of the schools budget, we advanced our security and have came to a new conclusion. New housing."


We all thought. 

Ashido raised her hand. "Mr. Aizawa, what does "new housing" mean exactly?" He gave her a cold glare, sending shivers down her spine. "Let me continue, and try not to cut me off next time, understand?" She rapidly nodded her head and he continued. "Principal Nezu thought it would be easier to have you students live in the same building in case of an emergency, it would also be much safer if there were another targeting kidnapping; thus having a pro teacher or two around to watch, and protect all of you." The class became rowdy and loud as they heard the news. Excitement filled the air. "Eh hem!" The tired teacher couched in his fist, quieting the class once again. " What did I say about interruptions?" We all bowed our heads apologetically. "I get that your all excited, but there is a catch. You will live in an apartment-type-condo dormitory. It includes everything a normal apartment would have built into it; a living room, kitchen, bathroom, closets, and two bedrooms." Yaoyorozu raised her hand, and spoke. "Excuse me, Mr. Aizawa? Why would there be two bedrooms in the apartments?" He sighed. "Because of the security advancement, and the money it cost to build a whole new building, we had to assign you all roommates to keep everything affordable."  We avoided getting loud again, not trying to risk getting a punishment, but we all thought up similar questions in our minds: 

Roommates? Who's going to be my roommate? Can we pick? How are the roommates assigned?  Can I stay with a boy/girl(opposite gender)? Where's the dorms location? How long are we living like this?

Numerous questions just kept popping into our heads, and we wanted answers, but if we were impatient, then it would be more trouble then good; so, we waited for Eraser Head to finish. 

"The school went ahead and spoke to all of your parents over the past week, and we asked them not to discuss this matter with you before we got the chance. It took a while, but after a long time of convincing, all of your guardians agreed that this was the best choice of action we could take.  Now, before you ask, no, you will not choose your roommate, and you cannot live with someone of the opposite sex. Do i make myself clear?" 

We all nodded our heads in agreement. "Good. Now, i'll announce the partners in a numbered sequence, so remember your own.

1)Momo Yaoyorozu & Kyoka Jiro

2)Tsuyu Asui & Mina Ashido

3)Denki Kaminari & Minoru Mineta

4)Hanta Sero & Eijiro Kirishima

5)Fumikage Tokoyami & Mezo Shoji

6)Shoto Todoroki & Izuku Mindoiya

7)Yuga Aoyama & Tenya Iida

8)Rikido Sato & Koji Koda

9)Toru Hagakure & Ochako Uraraka

10)Katsuki Bakugo & Mashirao Ojiro 

The room filled with low mummers and reactions. Most were excited except.... 

"HAH? Who's that?" Bakugo shouted. " did i get stuck with Bakugo?" Ojiro sweat dropped.

 "Silence!" Mr. Aizawa interrupted. "Class rep, if you may." Iida walked up to the front of the class and their teacher handed him a lined sheet a paper numbered 1-10. "I want you all to sign your names next to your assigned number. Theres two spaces; for you, and your partner. Once your done, you can leave. Oh, and the new housing begins in two weeks, so start preparing. That it all." He turned and walked out of the room, leaving the rest of the work to his students.  

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