Chapter Twelve

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The one who likes Bakugo is..

Some pink, tentacle-like haired girl with bulky boots- no wait! That's..Mei Hatsune-?! The support class student?! That girl who used Iida as a test subject during the sports festival?! Out of all people- HER??! I choked on my saliva as I turned away in utter shock.

There's no denial that she's a very charismatic individual. She has guts, there's no doubt about it. But..I can argue that she's almost insane! Pair her up with Bakugo and it's a train wreck waiting to destroy!

I covered my mouth and retraced my steps, being as silent as possible. It'd be pretty embarrassing, for both of us, if she saw me here.

But, now that I think about it, I only saw that girl waiting, and Bakugo left the classroom before me. Did he not come to meet her?




I unlocked the door to my apartment and opened it. By the door, I took off my shoes and let my eye lids fall as I let out a sigh. 'I was hoping I'd get to witness his response. It's too bad..'

I continued walking forward and placed my keys, along with my phone and the letter on the coffee table, then threw myself on the couch and sunk in. I enjoyed the slight breeze from the partly open window as I relaxed.

"Took you long enough.."

I jumped up in shock.

Bakugo was in the kitchen preparing a meal, not even bothering to make any eye contact of any sort. I slouched back into the couch and rested my eyes. "Sounds like you were waiting for me." I said, jokingly.

"HA! You'd be long dead before that would ever happen." He said while slamming his hand on the counter.

"Kidding. I was kidding."

Silence began to tense as our small talk died down. We stayed in this mist for a good few minutes before I began to speak up.

"So you didn't go?" I asked, taking the risk. Without looking back at me, he paused. "Go where?" He asked, in an annoyed tone. "You didn't go to see her.." I said while playing with my skirt. Finally, for the first time since I got home, Bakugo turned around and looked at me. "What do you know about that?!" He snapped. "I'm sorry! I know it was wrong to look through your belongings, but I couldn't resist! Why didn't you go and decline in person if you intended not to start anything?! It's rude to play with people's feelings!" I got more and more emotional as I continued talking.

He sighed and walked toward the coffee table, then picked up the letter. "I wasn't interested. If I knew, it would have been a bother, not to mention awkward." He paused, then twitched. "Don't tell me.." his eye brows frowned. "You went to see them?!" He yelled.

I nodded my head slowly, partially scarred.

"WHO GAVE YOU THE RIGHT TO DO THAT?! ITS BAD ENOUGH YOU LOOKED THROUGH MY THINGS, BUT NOW YOU GO AND DO SOMETHING SO UBSERD AS THAT???!!" He yelled, slamming his hands on the glass table and hovering over it with a look of pure anger. I was almost certain the table would break.

"I'm sorry!" I cried out and hid my face in my hands.

"I don't think you-"

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