Chapter Two

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Its been a week since we've signed the regulation sheet and I cant speak for everyone else, but i've been packing non stop since! Im actually pretty excited for the dorms. Living with Hagakure will actually be fun, being friends with each other and all. But until the day we move in, i'm stuck living my average life. 

Class was just dismissed and now we have training to do. We want to be pro hero's, so this is the most interesting part of the day. Seeing how our different quirks and strengths work in battle only makes us stronger. "Sero and Uraraka." All Might read, grabbing my attention. The rest of the names were called and we were ready to fight. 

Me and Sero stood a good amount of feet away. Thinking logically, Sero is a tough battle in my case. Even if I touch him and manage to get him a few feet in the air, he can always latch onto something with his tape to pull him down, or to have some control. He can also grab ahold of something with one arm and attack with the other. I could avoid his tape, but that would be difficult to do while trying to get a closer range. And i'd just play myself tired if I tried to just run. 

This would be difficult.....

"YOU MAY START!" All Might shouted. 

Without hesitation, Sero made the first attack. He jumped while throwing a string of tape with his right arm to my left foot. I tried applying my quirk to my leg, but the tape was to strong for floatation. I steadied myself by lifting my arms, but he took his left arm and attached a thread of tape to my left wrist. He grabbed the that same piece of tape and swung it to latch onto my right wrist. It honestly felt like sticky weird as that sounds... While doing this though, he crossed his strands together; meaning the only way he could undo the mess he did, was to deactivate his quirk. I stretched my fingers to touch the tape on my wrist and applied my quirk to it, which sent him flying. he couldn't grasp onto anything with me locked up like this, the only way would be to deactivate his quirk, but that would set me free. And I couldn't move tied up like this. So I just stood and he floated there awkwardly till the period was up.  

"Great job everyone! This was an interesting turn of events. HAHA. You can change up now and go to class." All Might said before taking his leave. I deactivated my quirk as Sero did. He then reactivated it and threw some tape at at a wall so he wouldn't splat on the ground and risk breaking something. Now that the distance from the air to the floor wasn't so big, he easily deactivated his quirk and dropped smoothly to the ground. "Hehe..sorry Sero!" I awkwardly laughed while scratching the back of my neck. He smiled his usual toothy grin. "Ha. Its not a problem, but you owe me a rematch. And no fooling around this time. Putting stubbornness aside too." He walked to Kaminari and left me alone. I sighed while looking behind me, searching for Deku, but instead I saw a sad Tsu. 'Again..' I thought as I remembered that same look from last week. I never got the chance to talk to her about it. So I walked over to her. "Hey Tsu! Are you okay? you look upset." She looked up at me and spoke. "I really don't like this Ochako.." She looked down to the floor again. "Don't like what?" I asked. "Bakugo. Every time he fights one of us, he acts reckless! He treats us like as if we were a villain!  Last week he fought Mina and she ended up having a small burn mark on her arm. Today he fought Momo and All Might had to step in and break it up because as she was making something, he threw an explosion at her." I placed my hand on her shoulder reassuringly. "Don't worry. I'll talk to him." She smiled. "Thanks Ochako!"

(Time skip)~Lunch time~ 

Bakugo sat at a table next to Kirishima and Kaminari, Sero, and Ashido sat mindlessly with them. King explosion murderer was picking at his food as he rested is head in his palm. He look irritated. After dismissing myself from Deku and Iida, I walked over to their table. "Bakugo, we need to talk." He "Tched" while standing up. "Make it quick....I needed a walk anyway..." He mumbled the last part. I led him to the back of the school, an under known area that we could talk privately in while not being interrupted. "What do you want Round face, why am I here?" He said in a bored but a little angry tone. "Bakugo. You have to start being nicer to us. We're your classmates, not your enemies. You're really violent and look down upon us way too often. You threaten our lives and even hurt us in battle! You really need to learn how to be nicer to us; you know, Momo could have gotten really hurt!" We both stood there silently...It was extremely awkward...

"Heh." He slowly walked forward. I walked backwards. With every step he took, I took one as well, until I Pressed myself against the wall. But, He didn't stop. He was only a few inches away from my face as he leaned closer. I felt his breath breeze by my ear as a tune parted from his lips. "Oi...Pink cheeks...." I gulped as I felt my face heat up.

"Your skirts tucked into your stockings...Fix it." He pushed himself away and pointed to my leg, and as he said, the back of my skirt was stuck stuck in my stocking. 'CRAP!!! That must have happened after I used the bathroom!!' I thought as I fumbled to fix my bottom. "BAKUGO!!!" I screamed out. "WHAT?? You said to be nice!!" He screamed back. "But I didn't mean like that you idiot!!!" I clumped my hands into a fist and threw them at my sides. He turned to leave while shoving his hands in his pockets. He stomped off as I "Hmphed". 

"That idiot...(!)"

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