Chapter Fourteen

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Uraraka reached the last floor of the building and made her way to the common area. When she looked around, she realized not many people were down here conversing like they'd usually be. In fact, It was completely empty. Well, that's what she thought until she saw that familiar messy green hair. He was leaning on a wall, hands fidgeting, and constantly glancing at the watch on his wrist. His nervousness was apparent, but he also somehow looked determined, which made Uraraka giggle to herself. Then she decided to walk over. 

"Hey Deku!!" She shouted while waving her hand above her head and speed walking over to him. "Oh! H-hey Uraraka!" He replied, turning to the girl in the distance, a bit shocked due to her sudden appearance. Her smile was wide as she reached him, but immediately dropped.

At that moment..she realized..

She was taller then him. 

It was only by an inch, but it was still so weird! The heals had enhanced her height, and this made her wish she just wore sneakers or boots. It felt weird to be taller then her crush, and it was evident that her date took notice to the change as well, as his eyes darted to her feet. "You look really nice!" He complimented, setting aside the slightly awkward change. "Thanks! Are you ready?" She brushed a small strand of hair behind her ear. "Oh! Yeah, Lets go! Did you eat? Should we get breakfast." He questioned as he began walking with her following at his side. She thought about her uncompleted breakfast and shook the morning out of her head. "I ate, but I could go for something simple!" She smiled. "I found this traditional coffee shop near by! Its pretty underrated, so I figured it'd be quiet and peaceful. Would you like to go?" He asked. 

This was great! The beginning of the date and already going to get coffee, just as she imagined. 

"Yes! Lets go!" She cheered. He opened the door and Uraraka walked out first and looked out at the sky. It was all gloomy and the sky was grey. Raindrops fell and splashed the floor below the two, creating puddles. 

"Its raining.." He said, softly, now standing at the girls side. 'I should probably change my shoes and get an umbrella.' Uraraka thought, but before she could get a word out, Midoriya was fast to run back in as he called out, "Stay here! I'll get an umbrella!!" She then sighed. This was not apart of the plan. Not the best day for ice cream either. Should they reschedule? She shook her head. No, she already came this far, and was not about to go back upstairs and sulk. She confidently smiled, assuring herself that this date would go well. 

Izuku came back with two umbrellas: A black one, and a pink one. "Here!" He held out the pink umbrella. "Thanks Deku." She smiled. "But..I didn't see you as the type to get pink umbrellas." He scratched his neck and laughed. "Well actually, I left my umbrella behind once, and ran into a continent store to purchase one. The first one I saw was this one, so I kinda just kept it ever since!" The girl laughed while nodding and took the umbrella. "Thanks again. Shall we go?" Ochako said, opening it. "Yeah!" He did the same. 

The two began walking to the shop, and it was rather peaceful, considering not many people were out due to the weather. Though, the atmosphere between them was a bit awkward. Both were just walking in silence, each of them not knowing what to exactly talk about. Luckily, the pair arrived outside of the shop, and from the looks of it, It really did look like a traditional Japaneses home mixed with the common kissaten interior. But, it looked pretty run down. "Ladies first." Midoriya said as he opened the door with an innocent grin. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2020 ⏰

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