Chapter Six

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(Word count((this doesn't count!!)) ):1666
Isn't that ironic?

"MMMM!" I hummed in embarrassment. Bakugo opened the door and walked into the apartment as I followed, walking 5 feet behind him. Quickly, I closed the door and ran into my room, passing the blond and slamming the door behind me. A growl was hearable from the room passed my own, but I didn't care! Today was extremely embarrassing!!!

~Earlier that day~

"Oh my god! Uraraka, you and Bakugo have to live together?!" Ashido yelled while sitting with her chest pressed to the back of a chair, facing Uraraka's desk. She laughed nervously while scratching her cheek with a finger. "I guess you can say that." Ashido squealed and Tsuyu shook her head. "Ockako, you should really make the teachers do something! I don't want to take the risk of Bakugo hurting you too."

"Dont worry Tsu! I'll be fine!" Uraraka said, giving her friend a reassuring smile. The last thing she'd want was for one of her friends to worry about her health, especially if the so called cause of the aftermath would presumingly be from her new roommate. Besides, its not like he was all that bad, It was just a shame that no one but herself got to see such a calm, gentle side of Bakugo Katsuki, although, he acts like it never even happened. But of course she would remember it, maybe even forever, because this was such a precious memory and a scene like that may never occur again.

"Uraraka!" Izuku screamed while running to the girls desk. "Don't tell me its true; you aren't really living with Kacchan, right?" His expression obviously showed he was worried, which is to be expected. "Haha. Its true. But don't worry, i'll be fine!" she tried to justify herself so she could avoid another tangent of his. He sighed. With having to so much to say, he couldn't say anything at all. "Uraraka, can you um- meet me after class?" He said in almost a mutter, avoiding direct eye contact. "Oh! Yeah sure." And with that, class started.

Class went along as usual and nothing particular happened during the lecture; well, besides the fact that Mineta had a small break down when he happened to overhear Midnight talking about a new costume design from outside the halls with Present Mic who didn't seem like he was too fond of the conversation. Anyway, let's get to the interesting part, shall we?

After class

"So Deku, what did you want to talk about?" I asked while swaying slightly by his desk as he closed his notebook. "I-i think it would be better if we spoke in private." He said, still avoiding eye contact. Strange.. "Uh, sure! No problem." He stood up and started walking out of the classroom as I followed from behind. Then, when we were far enough in an isolated spot in the hallway, he stopped walking, back faced to me. "Uraraka.." He started, then snapped around, face bright red and hands balled into two fists by his sides as he squinted his eyes shut. "I—I REALLY LIKE YOU!" He screamed.

I just looked at him, confused. "Yeah, I like you too Deku! You're one of my closest friends!" I smiled. He shook his head back and forth suddenly. "No! Not like tha-"

"Hey! What are you kids doing over there?" An unfamiliar voice called out. I felt a hand pull my arm from behind as it dragged me.

"Eekkkk!!" I yelped, startled.

It was Kirishima.

"Sorry about scaring you, I just didn't want you getting caught by the hall monitor." He grinned. Deku quickly caught up to us, avoiding confrontation from the hall monitor and soon we were in front of our classroom door.

"Sorry about almost getting us in trouble." Deku sighed, releasing tension from almost getting caught. "Its no problem. Don't worry about it!" He pressed his hand to the door and pushed it open, walking in. As I was about to do the same, my arm was tugged backwards and I was faced with a smug looking Kirishima.

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